Seattle Yoga Arts - March 2017
Stand Strong, Be Fluid
In the last month or so, I have been calling tadasana (mountain pose) "this is what I stand for, I shall not be moved" pose.  I encourage students to really light up their muscle body and let their body represent what they will not compromise on. I encourage them to sense into their natural magnetism, the cohesive and condensing force in their bodies that keeps them together and creates strength and form. When the outer world feels unreliable and constantly shifting, intentionally engaging your muscles in a magnetic way can actually be calming to the nervous system, which I imagine receives this strength as confirmation of commitment and purpose, and even of optimism.
Image credit: Caras Ionut

After we've been in "I shall not be moved" pose for a bit, I invite students to completely soften everything, to pour over into a soft, hanging forward bend, and to inhabit their water body, the part of them that is receptive, fluid, and responsive. The dance between structure, belief and commitment on one hand, and resilience and irrepressibility on the other hand, creates a dance of balance with which to live through this extraordinary time in which we find ourselves.
In order not to succumb to immobility and despair, in order to remain hopeful, staying connected to our practices is vital medicine for the soul, heart and body.  Our practices can help us navigate through every one of our hours of work and life and joy and sadness and stress and play and resourcefulness.

- Denise
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Love the One You Are Wrap up!
Congratulations to everyone who participated in "Love the One You Are," our February commitment to yoga challenge!

Check out these impressive stats:

* 92 participants
* 63 reached their goal of attending 8 or more classes
* One student attended a class every day during February, and another came darn close with 26 classes. Incredible!

Thank you to our lovely teachers, who so expertly wove the theme of positive body image into their classes. You are so creative & inspiring and we are all lucky to have you!

Coming Soon!
Online Classes
In response to many requests for online class offerings, we are excited to announce that be-ginning this month we will occasionally be video recording classes for availability online!  

Here are some things to note:

* We will provide advanced notice when a class is scheduled to be recorded.

* Most people in class will not  be in the video, so don't worry if you're camera shy!  We will make it clear where to set up your mat if you prefer to be off camera.
* The camera will be stationary, so there will not be an extra body roaming around the studio.  You won't even know it's there!
* Classes will be available to purchase ($15) or rent ($5) on 

* We'll let you know when a recording is uploaded and ready for viewing!

Please let us know if you have any questions! 
Upcoming Events

Full Moon Mandala: 
The Sap Moon

Easy Booking with the MINDBODY App
Did you know that you can easily check our schedule & reserve your place in class right from your phone?  
Download the MIND-BODY App, set SYA as your favorite studio and the rest is simple!
Keep Current
For the latest studio news  and inspiration, j oin the  Seattle Yoga Arts Students   page 
on  Facebook   and follow us  on