Sunday, March 26

Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Looking the Part
This passage reads like the fairy tale: Cinderella. God calls the prophet Samuel to anoint a new king for Israel, sending him to Bethlehem, to the home of Jesse, to select one of Jesse's sons for the throne. Jesse parades his boys out, and Samuel looks over them all. It's puzzling, because God's favor seems to rest on none of them.

You know the rest of the story, of course. The new king is to be David, Jesse's youngest son-the little guy out with the sheep, whom no one even thought to call back to the house. He's just a kid! There's no way God could need him, want him, call him, use him!
God doesn't see people the way we see them. God's vision is full and complete-God knows both our potential and God's plan.
Look carefully today. Strive to see each person around you as God sees them. Draw them out of dark corners and in from sheepfolds. Encourage their potential, do what you can to help them recognize God's claim and God's call on their lives. And do the same for yourself!
Prayer: Lord of hope and promise, do not let us shy away from your call. Give us courage to respond to you, knowing that you will prepare and equip us for the tasks you set before us. Amen.
 - Lynette Johnson,  Buena Vista, VA