From the Blog:
What's the
(Not-So-)Secret Sauce
of Global Marketing?
Today's successful global brands understand that to stay competitive in the 21st Century, they need professionally-translated web content that speaks to a multilingual audience.
But translation is just for starters. The most successful brands go one step further: they invest in adapting their content for each regional market in ways that make it more culturally relatable. They make sure that their web content connects directly with local tastes, cultural values and communications styles. So what do you call that secret sauce?
November Tip:
Daylight Saving Time (DST)
is not a world-wide standard
Every year, on the first Sunday in November, certain countries including Canada and the U.S. "fall back" one hour. It's the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST), a.k.a. Summer Time. But many northern-hemisphere countries - such as Mexico, Turkey and most of Europe - turn back their clocks a full week earlier, on the last Sunday in October. Meanwhile, certain southern-hemisphere countries - including Australia, New Zealand and Brazil - use DST between September and April. But there are many countries around the world that do not use DST at all, e.g. Russia, most of Asia, most of Africa, and most of Central & South America.
Confusing? Yes. But worth figuring out if you want to
connect with particular foreign markets in real time. For more detailed information about which countries use DST and when, and which countries don't,
check out this up-to-date chart.
International & Global Marketing News
Mark your calendars! November 16-22 is the eighth annual celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week. This year's GEW will be the largest one yet, with roughly 10 million people taking part in over 25,000 events in 160 countries around the world. Visit the official GEW website for more information.
To Western eyes,
Asian websites can often look rather busy and cluttered from a design point of view. Still, some Western brands have purposely copied that style for their own Asian websites to appeal to local visitors.
This article by
TranslateMedia looks at some practical reasons behind the Asian style of web design, and explores whether it's a good marketing strategy for Western brands to emulate it.
Facebook wants to connect
the next billion people to the Internet - and help marketers reach them. As
Harry McCracken puts it in his latest article for
Fast Company, "
you can't assume that people [in emerging economies] have PCs, high-end smartphones, or speedy Internet connections", or that they will know about 'passwords' and 'profiles'. And that's why the social-network giant is getting creative. Here's how.
more current articles
on international business and global marketing, visit the
Verbaccino Flipboard
magazine. (New articles get added throughout the week, so check back often!)
All Saints' Day is a public holiday in a number of traditionally Christian nations.
November 11th
is an official day of
around the world, though it goes by different names.
Mexico, the third Monday of the month is
Revolution Day.
are getting ready to celebrate the festival of
Global Entrepreneurship Week
is coming up, and it includes Women's Entrepreneurship Day.
Buddhists will be celebrating the Festival of Lights on the evening of the full moon, while Sikhs celebrate the birthday of Guru Nanak.
In the U.S.A., American Thanksgiving will mark the beginning of the winter holiday season.
And those are just some of special dates coming up this month!
You can download this PDF document
by clicking on the link, above,
and selecting "Save Page As".
Get more details about any holiday or observance on the calendar
by clicking on the specific entry.
Did we miss any important dates?
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