Disabled American Veterans
East Valley Chapter 8
655 N. Gilbert Rd, Mesa AZ 85203
Ph:  480-890-2424
Fax: 480-615-4900 
Est. Sept 30, 1953
March 2017
First Edition Vol 5
Chapter 8 General Meeting:
March 9, 2017 @ 1830hrs (6:30pm)
Hot dinner served at 1730hrs (5:30pm)

Location: North East Corner of Gilbert Rd & University Dr.
2024 E University Dr. Mesa AZ 85203
(North East Corner of University & Gilbert Rd.)
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm
Service Officers available:
(No Appointment Needed)
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm
1 Saturday a month:
March 25, 2017 9:00am - 12:00 noon
April 29, 2017 9:00am - 12:00 noon

Hope you are doing well and in good health.
 February was an eventful month that we participated with outreach service and education car show and more.

  The month started off with a meeting with United Way and other Veteran Service Organizations in hopes of networking with our knowledge and training to better serve our veterans.; to sustain our growing veteran population. As our veterans come back to the home front, they are facing challenges that include but not limited to, physical and nonphysical injuries, homelessness, hopelessness, and much more. As a coalition of veteran organizations, together we can put a dent into the community to better serve those who fight for our very freedom which we all enjoy.

     Second, we participated in outreach at Valle Del Oro RV and resort community which included a car show, 50/50 draws, donations, and other activities. Provide information to other veterans within this community.

  Third, the Adjutant and I attended our National Mid-Winter Conference in Washington DC. We meet with our Senate and Congress on Capitol Hill to discuss veteran bills. We also supported our National DAV Commander during a joint session with both sides of the house as he testified our position on some bills on which we stand. I will provide my full report on the topics later in the month under the legislation.

   March is nomination month for an elected officers position followed by April nomination and election. Come out especially to these next two meetings to nominate your choice. You cannot be heard if you do not voice.

Thank you and God bless America!

Marvin Haines Jr.

Did you know that March is Women's History month?


  Women have played a big role in our history from being on the front lines during the revolution, getting us the voting right that I cherish, to breaking the Nazis codes to help win WWII and lets not forget helping putting us on the moon just to name a few.  Women have long been helping make change in our country since the founding of the United States of America, and continue on today helping us all  move forward by their services in all branches of the military.  Make sure to honor our Women Veterans that have served proudly!

Sitting here in Regan Airport in Washington DC waiting to catch our flight back into town from Mid-Winter Conference, reflecting on meeting with our Congressmen and Congresswomen and Senators to discuss the legislation we need to have moved forward for all of our veterans. I urge all of my fellow members to sign up for the DAV CAN (Commander Action Network) to keep current and help DAV move Legislation forward by contacting your Senator's and Representatives to support legislation that needs to be passed and enacted.  Together we can do it!

Remember this month's meeting is nominations, the meeting is Thursday March 9, 2017 at 1830 hrs (6:30pm).  Come early for a hot meal before the meeting at 1730 hrs (5:30pm).

The Auxiliary Unit 8 & their spouses; DAV members spouses are welcome at our meetings!  Come join us!

Peace love & light
Carey Slade

My motto in life is "It's all good"!
Sometimes I take freedom and  opportunity for granted. 
I shouldn’t.

I have been to Jamaica twice. Once was in 1985 with the U.S. Navy serving aboard the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69).  I remember leading the crew on a community assistance project there.  It was good getting away from shipboard routines for a little bit, to enjoy some fresh air and new scenery.

A second visit to Jamaica was more recently in 2009, vacationing with my wife.  I remember sailing on a catamaran out on Montego Bay at sunset.  The water was moderately calm, the air was warm, and the company was most enjoyable.

Out on the water, I struck up a brief conversation with one of the Jamaican crewmen, asking what it was like to live and work in Jamaica. He surprised me when he answered that while Jamaica is beautiful, and he liked his work, and he was good at it, he lived without hope.

He said there wasn’t enough money for university. He couldn’t get ahead. He was stuck, and desperately wanted to get out of there, specifically to the United States, where there is freedom and opportunity.  He said, sadly, the flow of immigrants from Jamaica to the United States was a mere trickle. I wonder about him. I wonder if he ever made it here.

Freedom and opportunity are part of our national DNA.  Our Declaration of Independence asserts that people  “… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted …” of, by and for the people.

What greater national symbol of freedom and opportunity is there than the Statue of Liberty?  Given to us by the people of France in 1886, her base reads: 

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest lost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”  

Our nation began with a bitter fight for independence, because freedom was worth defending.  And do you know what? It still is.  Very simply, there is no place on earth quite like the United States of America. People yearn to breathe free.  And here, they can.

Your Chaplain,
Paul Soderquist
March 4th & 5th, 2017
The Pima County Fairground
Tucson, AZ

March 11th & 12th, 2017
Centennial Hall
Mesa, AZ

We are at the Mesa Swap Meet for Rifle Raffle
Fundraising & Outreach
on weekends when there are no Gun Shows!
Volunteers needed!
Contact: Chuck Berryhill Fundraising Coordinator for more info.
Our Mission
The mission of Camp Corral is to transform the lives of children of wounded, disabled, and fallen military heroes by providing a unique summer camp experience.


We are at the following Golden Corral locations on these day's

Power & McKellips location in Mesa; *Tues Classic Car Shows, Fri, Sat & Sun's

Cooper & Baseline location in Gilbert; Friday's thru Monday's


If you are wanting to donate to this worthy cause, stop by one of our locations
or please bring your donation to the chapter house.

East Valley Unit 8
655 N. Gilbert Rd Mesa AZ 85203
Ph: 480-890-2424

Unit 8 Meeting:  Saturday    
       March 11, 2017 @ 10:00am
Location :
             655 N. Gilbert Road, Mesa, AZ 85203
Unit 8 strives to be active in:
Community Service 
hospital visitations
VAVS projects
other areas as needed. 

Our goal is to help our disabled veterans in  any way we can. 

We are a small group  of people with
caring hearts. 
We look forward to seeing you at the meetings.
Volunteers Needed
  • Golden Corral Both Locations
  • S.E. Clinic Popcorn Project
  • Donating to the Women Veterans
  • Stand Down
Disabled American Veterans
Mission Statement:
We are dedicated to a single purpose: Empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America's injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life.