                                                                                                                                                March 2017
District Events

C ONVENTION - March 18, 2017 - Pekin First 
DISTRICT ASSEMBLY - April 7-8, 2017 - Crossbridge Community (Ottawa)
KIDS & PRE-TEEN CAMP - Jul 5-8, 2017 - Lake Williamson
TEEN CAMP - July 24-28, 2017 - Lake Williamson
TEAM DAY - September 30, 2017 - Pekin First

Nazarene Missions International

Renee Kindle
District NMI President

2017 Easter Offering for the World Evangelism Fund

The 2017 Easter Offering for the World Evangelism Fund is quickly approaching. This annual offering is a critical component of the Church of the Nazarene's mission to make Christlike disciples in the nations. The global offering date is 16 April 2017. Some areas may schedule the offering for a different date, so do not hesitate to contact your local office with any questions.  
There are a number of free promotional resources available for this year's offering. These resources can be found at , the official website for the 2017 Easter Offering. You will have access to:  
  • Planning guide 
  • Video 
  • Bulletin inserts/postcards 
  • Posters 
  • PowerPoint slides 
  • Logos 
  • And more
If you have any questions about the offering, please contact Stewardship Ministries at 800-544-8413 or  
We hope you will join us in praying that God will use the Easter Offering for the World Evangelism Fund to reach more people for Christ. You are in our prayers as you prepare for this offering.
Thank you,
Mark E. Lail  
Director, Stewardship Ministries
Work and Witness 2017
Canton Eastside Church of the Nazarene - Canton, IL
You don't want to miss the opportunity to work with Pastor Dennis Owens and the people of Eastside. Together lets make a Kingdom difference in Canton.
Dates: June 4-11, 2017
Projects: Drywalling, Painting, Electrical, Cleaning and Much more
Cost: $75 per family (Includes meals and a fun day)
Families are responsible for transportation and housing. Housing options - Camping, Hotel, in Church or Homes.
Tabitha's Hands Compassionate Ministry Center - Princeton, IL
Tabitha's Hands ministers to families in crisis in Bureau County. It is recognized by Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.
Dates: June 11-18, 2017
Projects: Moving furniture, Cleaning, Building shelves, Furniture/appliance checking, repair and cleaning Cost: $75 per family ( Includ es meals and a fun day)

Families are responsible for transportation and housing. H
ousing options-Camping, Hotel, in Church or Homes.

Send Application and Fee to:  
Renee Kindle
5 N. Dallas
Princeton, IL 61356
Nazarene Youth International
Mark your calendars 
July 24-28, 2017  

July 23-27, 2018
Calling all writers! We are holding an essay contest for teens who will be attending Teen Camp. Campers can submit an entry for a chance to win a $50 or $100 scholarship to camp! Please visit the Teen Camp page on the district website for more information and an entry form. 


J. Todd Keller
District NYI President  

Calling all writers! We are holding an essay contest for teens who will be attending Teen Camp. Campers can submit an entry for a chance to win a $50 or $100 scholarship to camp! Please visit the Teen Camp page on the district website for more information and an entry form.

Schedule 2016-2017

01/21 Galesburg
02/18 Sterling Invitational
03/25 New Hope 
Denise Vroman, NYI Quiz Director
Click to Like us on Facebook 

-Ministry Call- 
NMI with the collaboration of NYI and SDMI has been trying to compile a list of children and youth who have expressed a call into ministry. The goal of NMI's Ministry Call is to educate, inform and guide those children and youth called into ministry get as much help in following through with those calls. Being able to pray for them by name and introducing them to opportunities to develop in their particular area of ministry.  
If you know of a student who feels called into ministry please let Ronda Hollars know by giving her a call at 815-875-1900 
or by email Ronda Hollars 
Celebrate Life

Date: May 11-13, 2017
Location: Olivet
Registration: 9:00-10:45
Centennial Chapel

Registration Deadline is March 6, 2017
Mail forms & fees to:
Pekin First Church of the Nazarene
ATTN: Kim Brock
3514 Broadway St.
Pekin, IL 61554
Student Cost:
$130.00 before 03/06/17
$150.00 after 03/06/17
Sponsor Cost: $130.00
Checks payable to: NWIL-NYI

Questions: Kim Brock, District CL Director
309-231-5875 (cell) or 309-346-3053 (church)
Sunday School Discipleship International
"Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."   Matthew 28:19-20
As you are going,
THINK BIG: Every relationship, every interaction, all inclusive.

And make disciples,
START SMALL: You. Be one. Be a Christ-like disciple. Re-present Jesus.

Baptizing them, immersing them in Jesus,
GO DEEP: Pray. Empty yourself. Sacrifice.


Ellyn Book

District SDMI Director
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."   Jesus         John 10:10 (NIV)
"That is what discipleship is all about. It is the ongoing process of submitting all of life to Jesus, and seeing Him saturate your entire life and world with His presence and power. It's a process of daily growing in your awareness of your need for Him in the everyday stuff of life. It is walking with Jesus, being filled with Jesus, and being led by Jesus in every place and in every way."
Excerpt from Saturate: Being Disciples of Jesus in the Everyday Stuff of Life by Jeff Vanderstelt

Children's Ministry

Anne Whalen 

District Children's Director

If you haven't already, please join the newly created Facebook group NWIL Children's Bible Quizzing. Information will be posted regarding upcoming meets and events.

Quizzers - please remember that the deadline to recite memory verses is April 1st. You can recite up to 20 of the designated memory verses to your quiz coach. Kids who recite 10 verses will receive $10 to the camp snack shop, and kids who recite 20 verses will receive $20 to the camp snack shop. Also, any quizzers who qualify for the World Quiz must decide whether or not they will be attending the World Quiz ( Saturday, June 24th in Indianapolis) before you attend the April 29th quiz meet in Peoria. If you have questions, contact Rosie Furston. 

Schedule 2016-2017    
04/29/17- Peoria First
Rosie Furston
Children's Quizzing Director 
Children's Ministry Workers 
If you're on Facebook, check out the newly created group NWIL Children's Ministry and request to join! We will be sharing children's ministry ideas, borrowing curriculum, bouncing ideas off one another and encouraging each other as we all seek to point kids toward Christ.   
Mark your calendars 
July 5-8, 2017
June 25-28, 2018    

Registration for Kids & Pre-Teen Camp 2017 is open! Please visit the district website for more information and a link to the registration website. Camp is July 5-8 and campers must currently be in 2nd - 6th grades. We are looking for counselors who are 15-years-old and older. You don't want to miss this action-packed week filled with games, music, food, swimming and amazing chapel services where we'll be learning about how to be a Secret Agent for Jesus!
Calling all artists! We are holding a coloring contest for kids who will be attending Kids & Pre-Teen Camp. Campers can submit an entry for a chance to win a $50 or $100 scholarship to camp! Please visit the Kids & Pre-Teen Camp page on the district website for more information and an entry form.
Ladies Day
Ladies Day 2017 is a wonderful opportunity for the women to worship together. As always, it will be a day of music, laughter, encouragement and fellowship! Tickets for your group can be purchased at

03/18 - Convention - Pekin First
03/21 - DAB - New Hope
03/23 - MST/ZF online Meeting 9:30am-11:30am
03/25 - Teen Quiz - New Hope
04/07-04/08 - District Assembly - Crossbridge Community Church
04/29 - Children's Quiz - Peoria First
05/11 - POPS - Peoria North Side
05/25 - MST/ZF Meeting - Peoria First 9:30am-2:00pm
06/15 - MST/ZF online meeting 9:30am-11:30am
07/05-07/08 - Kids & Pre-Teen Camp
07/20 - MST/ZF online meeting 9:30am-11:30am
07/24-07/28 - Teen Camp
08/24 - MST/ZF online meeting 9:30am-11:30am
Church News
Are exciting things happening in your church? We would love to share it with our district family.  Please send a short article and pictures to NWIL District Office
Great Commission
Click below

Funding the Mission
For generations, Nazarenes have supported the World Evangelism Fund. Together, we've accomplished so much in our first 100 years. Join us on a journey into the next 100 years and partner with the Church of the Nazarene to make Christlike disciples in the nations. In our new plan for Funding the Mission, the World Evangelism Fund is the vehicle through which we deliver the message of hope - and your church drives our mission more than ever before.

The report below may not reflect actual end of year numbers. Corrections and updates are still being made.   
2016-2017 Year End Report will be available next month. 

Convention Information


LUNCH will be served on site for a suggested donation of $5.00. Everyone will eat together in the Fellowship Center. NYI will eat in the Refuge room.

Preregistration for child care is required.
- Deadline is March 16th
- Childcare is available for children ages birth-6th grade.
- If your child is not preregistered, they will need to attend the adult sessions with you.
- Child care will be open at 8:30 am in the Kidzone area

Children Birth-4 years
Cost: FREE. Snacks and activities provided. We will NOT be serving lunch to children
Birth-4 years. Please pick up your nursery aged child and return them to the nursery after lunch. Please provide a diaper bag with your child's name.

Children 5 years-12 years
Cost: $5.00. Lunch and activities provided.
Teen Camp
T EEN CAMP Registration is now open!
July 24-28, 2017


June 25, 2017 - $260
After June 25, 2017 - $300


June 19, 2017

Registration for Camp 2017 is now open! Teens who are currently in 7th - 12th grades will attend Teen Camp, which is July 24 - 28. Please read over the information below, and visit the links provided to complete registration. Any questions can be directed to each camp's registrar.
Registration - The registration process is as follows:
  • Step One - Fill out online registration (available at
  • Step Two - Submit registration fee to the Camp Coordinator at your local church
  • Step Three - Submit a copy of both sides of your insurance card and the Eagle Crest Liability Waiver (Teen Camp only) to the Camp Coordinator at your local church
  • Step Four - When sending your child to camp, please send Snack Shop money and camper medication
For more information on Teen Camp
Kids & Pre-Teen Camp
Kids & Pre-Teen Camp 2017
July 5-8, 2017 (Wednesday-Saturday) 

For kids completing 2nd - 6th grades in the spring of 2017
Online registration is open 

June 4, 2017 - $205
After June 4, 2017 - $240

MAY 31, 2017

Registration for Camp 2017 is now open! Kids who are currently in 2nd - 6th grades will attend Kids & Pre-Teen Camp, which is July 5 - 8. Please read over the information below, and visit the links provided to complete registration. Any questions can be directed to each camp's registrar.
Registration - The registration process is as follows:
  • Step One - Fill out online registration (available at
  • Step Two - Submit registration fee to the Camp Coordinator at your local church
  • Step Three - Submit a copy of both sides of your insurance card to the Camp Coordinator at your local church
  • Step Four - When sending your child to camp, please send Snack Shop money and camper medication
For more information on Kids & Pre-Teen Camp

Dynamic Church Planting International
A Vision for 7 New Churches!!
A group of 12, mostly Olivet students, gathered for a weekend of Church Planting Essentials training at Olivet Nazarene University over Winter Break, February 10-12. As a result of this training sponsored by the Northwestern Illinois District Church of the Nazarene and the Olivet Preaching and Music Ambassadors, God planted the vision for at least 7 new churches in the hearts and minds of those attending. These churches will be planted in various places across the United States starting right on the campus of Olivet! This is only the beginning of what God can and will do through the student body of Olivet as they graduate with a heart for fulfilling the Great Commission. This was the first ever DCPI (Dynamic Church Planting International) training event held at Olivet and we anticipate that there will be many more in the future. Instructors for this event were Jeremy McLaughlin, Lead Pastor, Sterling First Church of the Nazarene, Sterling, IL and JoAnn Bastien, Lead Pastor, Devon Aire Community Church, Livonia, MI. Please join in prayer that the seeds planted during this event will grow and multiply all over our world.
"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2 NIV

Pamela Smith, Rachel Tobey, Daniel Manning, April Manning, Jared Lynn Richey, Aaron Steele, Zach Klippert, Samuel Overholz, Tyler Thornton, Karalee White, Austin Smith, John Wright and Jeremy McLaughlin.
Freedom Sunday

Over the past three years, more than 400 Nazarene congregations around the world have participated in Freedom Sunday, a day set aside for prayer, worship, and support around the crisis of human trafficking, which enslaves as many as 45.8 million people globally, according to the  2016 
Global Slavery Index.
This year, Nazarene churches are encouraged to participate in Freedom Sunday on September 24, 2017, the last Sunday of that month.
The Church of the Nazarene's participation in Freedom Sunday began in 2014 in coordination with other denominations within the Wesleyan Holiness Connection (formerly Wesleyan Holiness Consortium). That same year, the Church of the Nazarene's Board of General Superintendents endorsed the Declaration for Freedom, a document drafted by the Wesleyan-Holiness leaders, including Nazarene representatives.
In the past, Freedom Sunday took place on the first Sunday of Lent. This year, the event was moved to the last Sunday of September to enable churches that plan traditional Lenten services to participate.
Congregations are encouraged to plan a Freedom Sunday at any time that works in their calendar. Freedom Sunday planning resources are available as free downloads through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries at
General Convention

General Assembly

BGS announces theme for General Assembly
click below for full article.

Indianapolis, Indiana
June 21-30, 2017 
General Assembly One Heart - Many Hands 
The Church of the Nazarene believes in empowering laypeople to serve. This is evident around the world, including the tens of thousands of Nazarenes mobilized through the One Heart - Many Hands service projects over the last 24 years.

OHMH is calling all past, present, and future volunteers to join in a Work & Witness project in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, June 18 to 23, 2017, the week prior to the denomination's General Assembly and Conventions.
This project will kick off a new, five-year initiative to repair, rehab, and rebuild more than 400 homes and build 20 new homes in the 46201 zip code.

Communities in this zip code are dotted with dilapidated or abandoned homes. Single parents, many of whom live below the poverty line, dominate the population. Help is sorely needed, but not easily available.
"What we do now will not only have a positive impact today, but will plant seeds of change that will continue growing for generations," said George Sisler, OHMH president.

In 1993, OHMH founder Dr. Gary Morsch organized the first weeklong service project to accompany a Church of the Nazarene General Assembly. That project, also in Indianapolis, included about 25 locations. At the 20th anniversary project, there were more than 120 project locations and 1,800 volunteers.

The next project in 2017 is slated to be one of the largest yet with 2,000 volunteers. This project is perfect for individuals or groups of any size, and volunteers of all ages and skill levels are welcome. Early registration ends January 31 and is $195.   Click here to request an information packet and be a part of this tradition.

For more on General Assembly, visit
Lay Ministry Studies

Here you will find the studies needed to pursue th e Cer tificate of Lay Ministry. While anyone is welcome to take these stu dies, these studies are specifically designed for those who have gone through the steps as outlined by the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene and have already received the certificate to become a Lay Minister. For more information, be sure and visit our Requirements For The Certificate of Lay Ministry
page. Here you will find information on the process to become a Lay Minister.


Communicating the Gospel 

History and Polity 

John Wesley's Theology 

New Testament Study 

Old Testament Study 

Spiritual Formation  


Quick Links
District Leaders
NWIL District Advisory Board
                  MINISTERIAL                    LAYMAN
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Brett Spengler
                  Rev. Bill Clark                    Carole Eatock
                  Rev. Jim Book                    Keith Peachey
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Kevin Singletary
                  Rev. Kevin Donoho
ONU Board of Trustees
                  Rev. Scott Sherwood          Rev. William Clark
                  Rev. Lloyd Brock                Cheryl Sherwood
                  Ken Roat 
Zone Facilitators

                        ZONE                     FACILITATORS & E-MAIL
                        Bloomington           Mike Stipp
                        Fox Valley               Kevin Donoho
                        Galesburg               Harold Berrian
                        Lincoln Highway     
                        Pekin/Peoria            Lloyd Brock
                        Southwest               Harold Berrian
                        Spoon River             Randy Munson
                        Quad Cities            
                        Blackhawk               Brian Eatock
NWIL District Team

District Superintendent
Rev. Scott Sherwood
Jim Book
District Secretary
District Administrator
Rev. James Book

District Treasurer
District DCPI Coordinator
Rev. Ray Barker

NWIL Office Manager
Pamela Smith

Board Of Ministry
Rev. Bob Hasselbring

Course of Study
Rev. Scott Whalen

