
I've been traveling for a few days. Spent a few days in Fort Worth visiting my mom. Then a few days at a conference in Huntington Beach for the Global Leadership Summit. Everything has gone as planned, except for one little mishap. Seems I did not notice my driver's license had expired, and that has added a few wrinkles to my travels. So if I you see me Sunday that means I was able to iron them out. 

Anyhow, I'll do anything necessary to be home for worship, even if that means running across the country. Because, I've invited Dr. Felica LaBoy to preach this Sunday, and I know it's going to be awesome! Dr. LaBoy is the Associate Dean of Black Church Studies and Advanced Learning and an Assistant Professor of Black Church Studies at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She is also an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church, and has been attending our church for about a year. 

Dr. LaBoy will be delivering a message called "Blind Spots: Who Are You Missing?" taken from Acts 1:8 and 10:9-15. This is a perfect way to kick start our "Who Is My Neighbor" theme for Lent. I hope you'll plan on being there this weekend too, and will take full advantage of the opportunities available to you during Lent. By the way, getting stuck in Huntington Beach would not be a bad thing really. Beautiful place to be at the beginning of March.

See You Sunday,
David Emery
P.S. Click here for a menu of everything going on this Lent. Make sure to take full advantage of the opportunities.
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