Dear CIM Supporters,
Welcome to the St. Patrick's Day Season, the busiest month of the year!!
Before I fast-forward to student performances, parades, the IMDA Landmark Center events and instructors' gigs galore, allow me a moment to extend a heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you that took part in Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event last weekend. Saturday night was an amazing, celebratory night of delicious food from Cara Irish Pubs, rousing traditional tunes & songs and a beautiful silent auction!
Thanks to the 2017 honorary chair, Thomas Dillon Redshaw, for his thoughtful words of support for the CIM.
To this year's table sponsors, corporate sponsors, silent auction and raffle donors, volunteers, staff and board members, thank you for your generous gifts!
Thanks to Teisha Magee, the event chair since 2013, who is passing on the torch this year (yes, we are looking for an Eigse event chair), and to Emily Flagstad and Marty Ochs who are passing leadership of the silent auction to Eileen Degnan next year. I'd like to send a special thanks to Leah & Ian Evison for taking on a major lead role in the kitchen this year. You did an amazing job, and the food was delicious.
Photos by Ahania photography |
Finally, mark your calendars for June 9-11th for the 10th Annual Minnesota Irish Music Weekend
featuring the following artists:
- John Carty - fiddle, banjo
- Colm O'Donnell - flute, whistle, song
- James Kelly -fiddle
- Méabh Begley - song, accordion
- Sean Gavin - flute, uilleann pipes
There will be workshops & lectures and excellent trad music programs for children, teens, and tweens throughout the weekend plus the Great Session Experience and Master Artist Concert on Saturday, June 10th! Registration will be open soon.
-Norah Rendell, CIM Executive Director
Please join the CIM in celebrating
St. Patrick's Day!
- At the Landmark Center in downtown St. Paul -
The CIM will have an information booth on both days - March 17 & 19 - and we are asking for your help! This is a great way to get to know your fellow CIM community members, share your enthusiasm about CIM to passers-by, and to enjoy the St. Patrick's Day festivities! Contact Brianna at volunteer@centerforirishmusic.org to sign up.
FEATURING (CIM instructors) |
10:00am |
Tea Room |
CIM An Luan Ensemble |
10:40am |
Tea Room |
Ryan Behnke and Buddy Ferrari |
Main Stage
CIM Advanced Youth Ensemble
11:20am |
Tea Room |
Clairseach (Charlie Heymann) |
F.K. Weyerhaeuser Auditorium Stage |
Norah Rendell and the Lost Forty (Norah Rendell and Brian Miller)
12:10pm |
Tea Room |
The Bellows Brothers (Tom Klein) |
12:50pm |
F.K. Weyerhaeuser Auditorium Stage |
Clairseach (Charlie Heymann)
1:00pm |
Tea Room |
Rúpálaí (Chad McAnally)
1:40pm |
Main Stage |
Northern Gael (Danielle Enblom)
2:30pm |
Tea Room |
Sona (Mattie Ernst, Hannah Flowers) |
Tea Room
Dunquin (Rosa Wells) |
3:45pm |
Main Stage |
Barra (John McCormick) |
FEATURING (CIM instructors)
Tea Room |
CIM Swallowtail Ensemble |
11:40am |
Tea Room |
Dórain (Iain Dove Lempke) |
12:20pm |
Tea Room |
CIM Open Sky Ensemble |
2:20pm |
Tea Room |
CIM Starling Ensemble |
June 9-11, 2017
at the Celtic Junction
Presented by
the Center for Irish Music
The Minnesota Irish Music Weekend is a unique festival that pairs world-class traditional Irish musicians and teachers with learners of all ages and abilities.
Join us for a weekend featuring:
- Workshops and lectures for adults
- Special programming for youth of all ages
- The Great Session Experience
- A rare and virtuosic Saturday night concert featuring world-class visiting artists
Colm O'Donnell
Flute, Whistle, Song
James Kelly
Meabh Begley
Accordion, Song
Sean Gavin
Uilleann Pipes
IMDA now accepting grant applications
Apply today for an educational grant from the Irish Music and Dance Association!
The Educational Grant program is designed to help students of all ages pursue an interest in the traditional arts of Ireland. Funds can be used for classes, fees, travel expenses, or equipment purchases. Grant recipients then bring their new skills back to our community by performing at an IMDA event in the Twin Cities.
Thursday, March 2
Head over to the Cedar Cultural Center for
An Evening with Solas
. After 20 years together the band is taking a break from touring, so this may be your last chance to see them for a while. Show begins at 7:30pm.
Don't miss The Lost Forty, featuring our own Brian Miller, at Club Prior in the Prior Lake Library. Show begins at 7:00 pm.
Friday, March 3
Join CIM instructor Brian Miller for a workshop on Minnesota Folksongs at the MBOTMA Winter Bluegrass Weekend. 8:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West.
Saturday, March 4
Join Norah Rendell and the Lost Forty and Danielle Enblom for a dance workshop and music performance, 1pm at the Pine County Historical Society in Askov MN.
Sunday, March 5
The Underground Cafe's monthly Celtic Showcase will feature
, with CIM instructor John McCormick.
Friday-Sunday, March 10-12
Music and dance extravaganza
Kickin' it Irish
returns with an evening of traditional and contemporary Irish dancing with music by the Two Tap Trio - all with flair, humor and fun. Visit the Celtic Junction website for times. Featuring CIM instructors Brian Miller, Cory Froehlich, Cormac O'Shea; Randy Gosa, and CIM student Adrienne O'Shea.
Monday, March 13
There will be a special performance of
Kickin' it Irish, an Irish music and dance extravaganza, at the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre at 7:30pm.
Get ready for St. Patrick's Day with
Boiled in Lead
(featuring our own Todd Menton) at the Cedar Cultural Center. Show begins at 7:30pm.
Friday, March 17
Sunday, March 19
Enjoy another chance to sing with our own Brian Miller at his workshop: Sing Along with Traditional Irish Songs Once Popular in Minnesota Lumber Camps. Part of the IMDA Day of Irish Dance at the Landmark Center. 1:00 pm.
 **NEW** Irish Trad Release
A monthly column listing new CDs that have been released
that might be of interest to our students.
In Flow
By Jack Talty
Featuring John Blake on Guitar & Ruairí McGorman on Bouzouki.
2013 MIM Visiting Artist Eamonn Cotter Collaborates with Eastview High School, led by Frank Pasquerella
Through connections made at the 2013 Center of Irish Music's Minnesota Irish Music Weekend, Director of Bands and CIM parent, Frank Pasquerella has organized a unique musical collaboration between the Eastview High School Band, and Irish flute player, Eamonn Cotter. This Irish tour, organized by Frank who is the Director of Bands at Eastview, is a wonderful reflection of the cultural connections that can be made when Irish artists come to Minnesota!
The Eastview High School Band from Apple Valley is an accomplished group of young musicians led by Mr. Pasquerella. They are very excited to embark on an 8-day tour of Ireland to participate in a cultural and musical exchange including performances in Galway, Ennis, Belfast and Dublin featuring a program of American and Irish compositions. Eamonn will be featured as a soloist for the Galway and Ennis shows including an arrangement of the air, Easter Snow.
On March 9-12th, Mr. Cotter will be travelling to Apple Valley
to share his musical talents with the 117 students and staff travelling to Ireland at Eastview High School. The Eastview band community is thrilled for the opportunity to learn and share our musical talents and to experience Irish culture in an authentic manner.
Executive director, Norah Rendell, and a group of CIM instructors will be meeting up with the students to play some tunes and give an introduction to traditional Irish music to the band students next weekend.
A highlight of the tour, and of particular interest to CIM supporters, is the friendship and mentorship that has developed between Eamonn Cotter and CIM student, Carmen Pasquerella. The pair will perform a set of hornpipes from Cotter's latest CD, The Knotted Chord during the tour. Carmen plays a flute made by Mr. Cotter and is a regular participant in the Midwest Fleadh. In 2016, Carmen traveled to Ennis to participate in the Fleadh Cheoil and Scoil Éigse.
Frank says, "We are working to create a blog during our trip and will create a video presentation to chronicle our tour which we can hopefully share with the Center of Irish Music community."
We are very proud of you, Carmen and Frank, and can't wait to hear about the trip!!
 Have you had a chance to
experience CIM's
This easy-to-share interactive, online report includes videos, photos, and stories about our year. Brew a cup of tea, turn up the volume and enjoy this delightful, tune-filled report on a desktop, laptop or tablet with a good internet connection.
Amazon Smile - Set up your Amazon Smile account to benefit the Center for Irish Music, then use this link every time you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CIM.
Shutterfly - Shop for photos, cards, invitations, and more and CIM receives 13% of your purchase price.
Thank you in advance for remembering CIM as you do your online shopping!
Find CIM on Social Media
Connect with us!
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the
arts and cultural
heritage fund.
836 Prior Avenue North
● St. Paul, MN 55014 ● 651-815-0083