This Week's Ministry Blog 
I Don't Get It

It happens over and over again in the gospel of John.
Jesus says something and everyone-the crowds, the strangers he meets, his friends, his opponents, even his disciples-stand there scratching their heads.
We see them not getting it, over and over, encounter after encounter, page after page. They don't understand what he's saying. They don't get what he means by "born from above" or "living water" or "living bread" or pretty much anything else that comes out of his mouth. Their questions reveal their lack of understanding. They repeat his words with a mocking tone and laugh at how ridiculous it all sounds.
We see it with Nicodemus this week, coming to Jesus at night. We imagine him turning to head home, still in the dark about Jesus, his face shadowed with confusion.
Nevertheless in the Gospel of John, something very strange happens. The curious continue to follow. Those who don't have the words to explain Jesus still beckon to others, "Come and see." The ones who walk away with lingering questions tend to find their way back.
The gospel of John is not about understanding Jesus.
It is not about getting it.
Instead, each time Jesus opens his mouth the listener can't help but draw in closer. It is an invitation to spend a little longer puzzling over his strange words. Our questions beg us to hang around a little while longer and see what happens next. And before you know it, you are leaving everything behind and following him to yet another town.  
This gospel is all about being in relationship with Jesus.
This is a relationship that calls us to exchange certainty for wonder.
This is a relationship that shows its worth in a wealth of questions, rather than answers.
This is a relationship that trades the familiar, old life for the new, yet to be revealed life of the resurrection.
So when you hear the gospel of John, don't feel bad if you don't get it. You're not the only one.
And anyways, that's not the point.
Pastor Sarah

Spring Ahead 

Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 12. Remember to set your clocks one hour ahead before you go to bed Saturday night.

Adult Sunday School

This week's discussion topic for Faith Journeys, our Adult Sunday School class will be: "Setting our Faces to Jerusalem: The History of Lent, Easter and Eastertide." Next Sunday, March 19, our topic will be "Setting our Faces to Jerusalem: The Passion Narratives in the Four Gospels." Faith Journeys meets from 9:30-10:15 a.m. in Messiah Hall, rooms 203 and 204, and is facilitated by Dee Paddock. Please join us!

Family Promise: Opportunities to Help Still Available this Week!

family promis  
This Sunday through March 18th, Faith is hosting homeless families in the Gathering House. Thank you to all who have already signed up to serve... it is so appreciated! We do have a few slots yet to fill: a Tuesday evening dinner host; and several nights for overnight hosts. Next Saturday a breakfast is also needed. 

Are you not traveling this week? Will you consider helping? If you're a first-time volunteer, you'll be given the full (easy) instructions, and bonus: students who volunteer with their parents can earn service/silver cord hours. What better way to take advantage of some free time during spring break? The signup sheet is on a table in the Commons today. If you have any questions about the volunteer roles, please feel free to contact Bob at [email protected], or Lynnette at [email protected]. Thank you!

Cooking Club

Cooking Club for this month has been changed to Tuesday, March 21, at 6:30 p.m. in St. Michael's Hall. Bring one of your favorite soups to share. Drinks will be provided. Everyone is welcomed. Please join us.

Circle of Friends

Are you looking for a new group of friends to study Bible lessons with? If so, please join our circle. Each month, a group of ladies meet in St. Michael's Hall on the second Tuesday of the month to study the Bible lesson printed in the "Gather" magazine. They would love to have you join them for fellowship and cookies.

Women at the Well Reentry Team
Want to make a difference in someone's life? Want to do something that really matters? A facilitator from Women at the Well prison congregation at Mitchellville will be leading a training for Reentry Teams Sunday, April 30, at 1:00-4:30 p.m. here at Faith in the Faith Lights Room. A Reentry Team provides desperately needed support for a woman recently released from prison. Usually consisting of 6 people, the team will walk with the woman during her first months on the outside. Come to the training to learn more. Please contact Pastor Sarah if you are interested.

Volunteer English Conversation Partners Needed   
Request for English classes and conversation continues to be a request of our clients at Clive Community Services. They are planning to schedule conversational English sessions this spring. Volunteers will be paired with students for 30 minutes of English conversation once per week, for 4-6 weeks. Please visit to provide your contact information and availability if you are interested in helping. Contact Pamela Mohr, 515-577-4166, with questions.
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Do you have questions or comments regarding this publication?  Please contact Miranda at [email protected] or 225-8334.  We welcome your feedback.