Citizens Project is a fearless, bold advocate and an engaging voice that empowers and challenges our entire community to embrace equality, diversity, and separation of church and state.
March 2017
Balancing freedom and equality in a vibrant democracy

by Schuyler Foerster

Sky is currently serving as the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Social Studies at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic.

We live in a world ridden by conflict—conflicts of ideas.  Rarely are these ideas about how, together, we might improve the quality of our lives.  Instead, they are all too often about how some of us can improve our lives at the expense of others, usually because we want to blame those “others” for whatever we think is absent in our own lives.

“We the People,” was not about “some” of us.  (Actually, it was, but we have fought several battles and one Civil War to remedy that exclusionism in law, if not yet entirely in fact.)  Read more...

Come back to school - Civics 101

…Because 8th grade Civics class was a long time ago, and we could all use a refresher on how politics works, how we can constructively get involved, and how we can learn together as a community.


Our three branches of government and what you may not know about how they interact

An exploration of The Bill of Rights

How we can most effectively impact our communities

What tactics and actions work?

Learn more...
Be Community...June 8, 2017
Save the date for the 2017 Creating Community Breakfast. This is always one of the highlights of the year and you won't want to miss this one!
Do you LOVE Citizens Project?
Do you LOVE free breakfast?
Do you LOVE sharing the things you love with your friends?

If the answer is YES, we need YOU to be a Table Captain at the 2017 Creating Community Breakfast. It's as easy as inviting 9 of your equality loving friends to join you to be inspired and learn about the work of Citizens Project in the community.

We plan to make this the BIGGEST breakfast ever and want to fill 62 tables and we need you to help us get there!

For more information contact Joy.
2017 Colorado Springs Election
Candidate survey and ballot issue forum video
Everything you need to be an informed voter in the 2017 Colorado Springs Municipal election.
We need YOU to get out the LOCAL vote!
Final Dates.
We have a few more phonebanks and one door canvass to reach 8,000 underrepresented voters in our community. Please give an hour or two and make a BIG difference.