We hope these tips for caring for those with dementia prove helpful.

Spring Into Action with These Caregiver Tips
March marks the beginning of spring, when clocks leap forward setting the tone for new beginnings. We want you to get a jump on the action with these tips. This month's newsletter contains:
  • 10 Tips for effective communication.
  • Ideas that will allow you to take time for yourself.
  • Improve your cognitive health and know the risks.
  • And, some fun trivia about March.
Read on...
March Activities will Put a Spring in Your Step

The luck of the Irish is here and so are imaginative activities at the community. Click the button below for a full listing of the activity calendar.

Next Caregiver Support Group  meeting is March 21  at 4 pm .

Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour on March 12 , the start of daylight saving time.
10 Tips for Communicating with Someone with Dementia

Being a caregiver is difficult enough, but not being understood can make a tough task that much tougher. When communicating with a loved one with dementia simple is better. Maintaining eye contact can also convey what is not spoken.

We have some tips to help communicate more effectively with those with dementia. Ten tips as a matter of fact. Click on the link below to help with daily communication with your loved one.

Take Time for Yourself

You've heard it before...A healthy, well-rested caregiver is an effective caregiver. Sometimes, we put everyone else's needs before our own. 

Realize that taking a break from caregiving is as important as caregiving. It allows you to recharge and cope with the daily challenges that spring up. But, how? Who will take care of my loved one? 

There are a few options available to you.

Adult Day Care. Sign up for specialized day care, designed to engage those with dementia. A regular schedule can be beneficial for your loved one, giving them a sense of purpose and something to look forward to.

Caregiver Support Groups . Knowing that there are others who are navigating a similar caregiving journey can be comforting. Join and attend a support group meeting with other caregivers. Ask questions, share experiences, seek resources or just absorb the support available. We have a meeting or you can find another meeting near you

Help for Caregivers Fact Sheet. Take care of yourself by eating well, getting plenty of rest and exercising daily. The USC Family Caregiver Center provided this fact sheet with tips to ask for help and engage others to assist you.

The above programs can be helpful, but do require advanced planning. If you just need a morning out of the house, bring your loved one to Memory Mornings events (twice monthly) specially designed for those with dementia and their care partners presented by Alzheimer's Greater Los Angeles.
Improve Cognitive Health: Know the Risks and the Best Practices

Keeping your brain healthy is important to healthy aging. The National Institute of Aging has identified risks to cognitive health. 

Although you cannot control genetic factors, there are some lifestyle and environmental influences that you do have control over. For the risks identified above, they have practices that you can adopt to take care of your brain.
  1. Manage your health with regular screenings and check-ups
  2. Eat healthy foods and control portion sizes
  3. Be physically active to maintain strength and garner more energy
  4. Keep your brain active through reading and learning
  5. Stay connected and socialize
Did You Know...?

March is the best month for basketball (March Madness) and the worst for productivity, according to a recent study, due to bracket predictions and gambling.

March is Social Workers Month, National Women's History Month as well as National Nutrition Month. Check out these other important days in March.

March 3: Caregiver Appreciation Day! We appreciate you!

March 12: Daylight saving time begins. Set your clock ahead one hour before you go to sleep the night before.

March 14: Pi Day celebrates the annual occurrence of 3/14.

March 17: St. Patrick's Day where everyone gets to celebrate their Irish or just wear green to avoid getting pinched.

March 20: First Day of Spring when the sun shines on the equator for the Vernal Equinox, giving us a near 50-50 split of day and night.

March 23: Pet a pooch to recognize National Puppy Day.

March 26: Take Popeye to lunch and celebrate National Spinach Day!

March 31: World Backup Day was established to remind us to secure vital files and backup a copy of photos and computer files.

ActivCare at Brittany House  |  5401 E. Centralia St.  |  Long Beach, CA  90808
562-364-1918  |   ActivCareLiving.com