How Can the Color of Your Clothes Affect Your Day-To-Day Life?
Color is powerful-it sends a message. One of the best ways to show the world you mean business is to wear the color which best conveys "I-am-trustworthy Blue" or "I-am-passionate Red" or "I-am-so-imaginative Indigo".
Many years ago (before I knew anything about color therapy) if I was feeling sick or unhappy I'd wear something drab or Gray-something that declared to the world that "I'm not well, so don't bother me." But one of the many things I learned about color is that if you are feeling down and really do want to feel better, then wear the color that's going to do the job, like Yellow for optimism or Orange for joy. You may not feel very positive at first, but it's sort of like "fake it until you make it". Eventually, the color will help dissolve those negative beliefs and you'll feel more confident.
What are Considered Positive Colors vs. Negative Colors?
That's an interesting question because while I might respond positively to the color Blue because it reminds me of a beautiful dress I once owned and the wonderful time I had wearing it, someone else may see that same shade of Blue and it will trigger a negative experience. So any color may be interpreted as a positive or negative color. It depends on your personal experiences.
When I was growing up, I loved those old cowboy westerns and the guy in the Black hat was ALWAYS evil and the one wearing White was ALWAYS the law-abiding, pure-as-snow hero. But I understand why some people are negative about Black. It's a mysterious color, the color of shadows and oftentimes represents a bad omen, something to beware because we don't know what evil lurks in the darkness. But I also understand why some people are drawn to Black. It is a protective color, it makes you feel secure, like being in the womb.