February 27, 2017 - In This Newsletter
Feb. 28: Re-enrollment & Family Night
Mar. 1: Popcorn Day

Glimpses of MCS from
Mrs. Obbink
So what is the best gift that you received recently? For me it was a blue pencil top eraser. The value of this gift came from the bright eyes and big smile that eagerly bestowed this precious gift on me. This gift was given from a generous heart; it was all he had in his desk that he could spare. I graciously accepted this gift, not truly understanding the depth of this token until later in the week.
Once again those bright eyes and big smile stopped me and offered another priceless gift. This time it was words of affirmation, spontaneously spoken after returning from chapel. How is it that the words of an eight-year-old can mean so much? It's when then are spoken by someone seeing you like God sees you through the work of His son; not through human eyes that see faults, ugliness, and shortcomings.
It stopped me in my tracks. I was speechless. I shook my head to acknowledge his words and smiled. I went and sat down in the office, replaying what he had said. His words were generous, kind, and far more than I deserved. Why me? What is this all about? I kept asking myself. Then Matthew 5:16 flooded my mind: In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Our light comes from the Father. We are just small lights that reflect His glory, His character, His love. This wasn't about me. This child had met God at our school, through his teacher, in his classmates, at chapel, and now he was telling me he heard. He heard that he is valuable, created for a purpose, uniquely special to God and to us! It was a humbling reminder - shine so bright that the world sees Jesus when they look at you.

Tomorrow, February 28   
Time: 6:30 pm-8:00 pm


Family Night:

Each classroom will be sharing STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) activities that they have been working on, and you will get to do them, too! This evening is for parents to have fun with their kids, so please stay with them and enjoy the activities!


Re-enrollment for current families will be Tuesday, February 28th, both during the school day and during Family Night. Please click on the links below for more information and the tuition schedule. If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Fielder (laurie.fielder@monroechristian.org).

Friday, March 10th, 9:00am - 12:00pm


Do you know someone who is interested? Send them this link!

Remember to return the auction RSVP, with payment please - it's going to be great!  (If you want to make sure someone you know receives an invitation, please send their name and address to Kristen - secretary@monroechristian.org.)
NEWSFLASH: We want MCS parents to have the first priority in attending the auction. The final deadline for RSVP's is April 3rd. We will post an open invitation to the community on social media on March 13th (new this year). To guarantee your attendance, please RSVP by March 13th.
The auction is scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd.
Love the Lord . . . with all your MIND! Attached you will find a letter to our families explaining the theme and other information, a letter to businesses to use with the procurement form when you ask for donations, and a digital copy of the procurement form. Two-part procurement forms are available in the office. If you use a digital copy, please be sure to send a copy with the donation and a copy to your donor as a tax receipt.
Use the following links for the auction documents.

Need ideas for a donation? Check this out: Donation Ideas

It takes a lot of volunteers to make it all happen. Will YOU be one of them? Contact Laurie ( laurie.fielder@monroechristian.org or
elaine.obbink@monroechristian.org ) if you can pitch in.

Thank you, auction volunteers!
Office Data Entry: (Incoming items): Kristen Barron  
Auction Data Entry: (Registration, Winning Bid Entry, Cashiers): John Lewis (lead), Mike Hamilton (co-lead), Ashley Depolo (cashier)
Tables - set-up: Heather & Aaron Huff
Food Service: MCS Staff
Greeter: Mrs. Obbink
Refreshments Table: H eather & Aaron Huff
Heads or Tails Game: Dorie Hughes & Leanne Sytsma
Invitees Team: Kristen Barron & Laurie Fielder
Live Auction: Ji Park
Procurements (Need more): Jennifer Simpson (facebook), Lydia French, Aaron Ramm, Melissa Shea, Ashley Depolo
Recorders: (Need one more): L aurie Fielder
Spotters: (Need one more): Pete Horvath
Runners: (Need one more): Dave Fielder
Sign Makers: Melina & Pablo Guerrero
Silent Auction: Sara Peterson & Connie Kristiansen
Dessert Dash: Peter & Abby Horvath
We still need people for:
Set-up day before/day of auction
Clean-up after auction
One recorder
One spotter
One runner
Balloons (prepare, sell, distribute)
Classroom projects (see teacher)
Transporting items to auction
It's not too late to sign up to be part of Track and Field-just email janelklingsheim@hotmail.com and Coach Klingsheim will get you the required information!
First-time athletes for T&F, please remember to turn in Medical Responsibility Form before practice on Thursday.
All Track families, remember to visit Athletic.net to download our season calendar with locations and times-simply type in "Monroe Christian MS" in the search bar in the upper left corner right next to the Athletic.net symbol.
ALL athletes need to remember athletic shoes and a water bottle for practices!
All athletes' forms and fees are due to the office before March 9th.
Practices this week are Thursday 4:45-6PM and Saturday 10AM-12PM, both at Memorial Stadium (2-3 minutes from MCS). Bring your garbage bag, it's lookin' like we might get wet.
Please let Coach Klingsheim know if you have questions or need further information!
She approached me before the start of my one-day Love and Logic seminar, saying, "Dr. Fay... my husband and I came here together, and we're hoping that you would have some time to visit with us about our five-year-old."
One of the most gratifying parts of my job is spending extra time visiting with people during breaks. "Of course," I replied, "I stay here in the room during the lunch break and nibble on snacks. If you don't mind watching me eat, I have the time."
Tears ran down Mom's face as she began to describe her young son's struggles in school: "He just hates it. He's always frustrated because he can't do the work. Then he brings home a stack of worksheets for homework. We spend almost every night fighting with him to get them done."
Dad added, "Almost every day he gets sent to time-out for not staying in his seat, wanting to play with the other kids, and talking. He just loves to talk and he has so much energy."
Almost every place I go, at least one parent of a preschool child shares this same story. Each time I hear it, I share the same response:
Developmentally appropriate early childhood classrooms are places were kids are encouraged to get out of their chairs, play, and make noise.
If a young child has difficulty staying seated and completing worksheets, they are normal.
Attitudes developed about learning and school during these early years have a profound and lasting impact on school motivation, achievement... and enjoyment.
Find a different preschool for your child, where children are encouraged to engage in playful hands-on learning and experience fun and low stress exposure to basic academic readiness skills. Find a place where the teachers understand that lots of hugs form the foundation of "classroom management."
Read the book, Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood, Second Edition . Put all of your energy into implementing solid parenting at home.
Burn any remaining worksheets and replace them with time spent reading to your child. It's best if they're sitting snugly in your lap where they can feel your loving heartbeat against their skin.
The most important thing young children should learn at school is that learning is joyful and they can be successful at it.

Dr. Charles Fay


Thank you, Mrs. Jansons & Mrs. Meyer for creating such a wonderful environment for the youngest of our students to flourish.