Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming events! |
Tuesday, February 7 City Council Regular Meeting
Monday, February 6 Community Development & Public Safety Committee Meeting
Monday, February 6 Law Enforcement Advisory Committee Meeting
Monday, February 20 President's Day - City Hall Closed
Tuesday, February 28 City Council Regular Meeting
Welcome to Villa Park's E-newsletter "The Feeder." The City of Villa Park is dedicated to sharing information and resources with the community. This newsletter will highlight information on community interests, events, and activities, as well as update and report on major projects happening in the city. Editions will be released monthly. Enjoy!
Obtain a License for Your Pet
Did you know that all dogs in Orange County over the age of four months are required by law to be licensed and vaccinated against rabies through OC Animal Care? Residents owning or having custody of any dog must license the dog within 15 days of acquisition or within 15 days after the license becomes due.
Licensing your dog provides necessary information to support investigations of cruelty, neglect, abandonment and dog bites. Licensing also indicates ownership of a dog. If your dog is found, OC Animal Care will call and send you a letter.
In addition to dog licensing, cat licensing is optional and also available through OC Animal Care.
Residents must provide proof of a California approved rabies vaccination to obtain a license. Pet licensing can be done online or in-person. Applications can be obtained at Villa Park City Hall, or by clicking here.
For more information on licensing, such as fees and an assistance dog application, please call 714-935-6848 or click here.
Notice of Appointments for the City of Villa Park Investment Advisory Committee
The City of Villa Park is seeking applicants for the investment Advisory Committee.
Member positions are two year appointments. Members of the IAC serve at the pleasure of the City Council without compensation, conflict of interest, or liability. IAC members must be residents above the age of 18 years. Appointments will be made by the City Council.
The City of Villa Park's Investment Advisory Committee (IAC) is responsible for advising the City Council with respect to the City's investments and the investment portfolio strategy of the City.
The IAC meets quarterly to review the City's investment and portfolio strategy. Committee members receive the City Treasurer's Monthly Reports reflecting each City investment by security or account description, par value invested, maturity, yield to maturity, current yield, and market value.
Interested persons must submit an application to the City of Villa Park as soon as possible. Applications and further information can be found by calling City Hall at (714) 998-1500 or by clicking here.