In This Issue
Upcoming Events

Be sure to mark

your calendars for these upcoming events!


Saturday, December 3

VPWL Fundraiser at The Green Pear

Friday, December 9

Coffee with a Cop

Friday, December 9

Farewell for VP City Manager Jarad Hildenbrand

Saturday, December 10

Villa Park Santa Tour

Sunday, December 11

Villa Park Boat Parade

Tuesday, December 13

Regular City Council Meeting


Welcome to Villa Park's E-newsletter "The Feeder." The City of Villa Park  is dedicated to sharing information and resources with the community. This newsletter will highlight information on community interests, events, and activities, as well as update and report on major projects happening in the city. Editions will be released weekly. Enjoy!  
The 2016 Villa Park Santa Tour and Boat Parade
The annual Santa Tour by Fire Engine will take place on Saturday, December 10, 2016. Click here for the tour route and time schedule.

The 19th annual Dry Land Boat Parade will take place on Sunday, December 11, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in front of Villa Park High School and will end around 6:30 p.m. at the Villa Park Town Center. Click here for the parade route map.

Entry forms for the Dry Land Boat Parade are available now at Villa Park City Hall during regular business hours. If you are interested in becoming a vendor at the holiday celebration in the Villa Park Town Center, click here.

Villa Park Councilmember Bob Collacott named "Top Elected Official of the Year" by the American Public Works Association
City of Villa Park Councilmember, Bob Collacott, has been named "Top Elected Official of the Year" by the American Public Works Association (APWA) Southern California Chapter.
APWA is a not-for-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization that prides itself on its ability to provide varied educational and networking opportunities that help public works personnel to grow in their professionalism and directly impact the quality of life in all the communities they serve.
Every year, APWA has honored individual local government officials for outstanding accomplishment by naming them Public Elected Officials of the Year. This year, Collacott will be honored at APWA's 2016 B.E.S.T Awards ceremony on December 6, 2016.

Coffee with a Cop!

Coffee with A Cop was launched in Hawthorne, California in 2011, as a result of a brainstorming session. Members of the Hawthorne Police Department were looking for ways to interact more successfully with the citizens they served each day.
Community policing has long been considered a framework for establishing trust between the community and the police. However, over time the character and composition of our nation's communities have changed due to shifting demographics, more commuters, and the introduction of different communication methods such as websites and social media.
The key to Coffee with a Cop's growing success is that it opens the door for interactions outside of the crisis situations that typically bring law enforcement officers and community members together.
Please join your local Law Enforcement Officers with the Orange County Sheriff's Department on Friday, December 9, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.  at Villa Park City Hall located at 17855 Santiago Blvd., Villa Park, CA 92861, for coffee and a friendly conversation! There will be no speeches and no agendas, just a chance to chat with the people who protect us in this great city!
For more information, click here.

Attention Villa Park Residents!

We are currently putting together an e-mail database so that we can send out news, information and surveys specific to Villa Park.

Click here if you are a Villa Park resident and would like to sign-up. Your address will be required when signing up so that we can verify your residency. Thank you!