New Church of Phoenix Periodical

Issue # 30
May - June, 2016
In This Issue

Calendar - H ighlighted Event

Sun. June 19 :  New Church Day Celebrations at 
      the church followed by a social gathering at 
      the Home of Fred and Barbara Fiedler.

Building Upgrade Plans
Over the past several months a sub-committee of the New Church of Phoenix Board of Trustees has been working to see if a plan with funding can be developed to upgrade the street appeal of our church building.  Not too long ago we added a fully handicap-accessible bathroom addition that has greatly enhanced our building.  Both church attendees and the many people who use our facilities for 12-step and other programs seem to really enjoy being in the comfortable space that our church provides.  However, driving by, our building looks much like the house that it was originally built to be.  The plan is to change that so that we present a new and inviting face to the world. 
You will see here a sketch that our architect has created to demonstrate one option for how a new front on the building might look.  Also in the left portion of the drawing you will see a monument/ sign that is aimed at catching people's eye as they drive by.  Also pictured is a new driveway and parking lot arrangement that will open up the front of the property and allow the free flow of traffic between the front and rear parking areas. 
This is an exciting opportunity for our congregation to make a bold statement to the world that we are open and excited about having new people join us. 
We would love further input on these plans. Expect more information to be distributed as more details emerge.  And please, if you can, consider partnering with us in this important project.
At this time we are planning a Special Society Meeting to be held at the church following worship on September 4.  Again, your input before and at that time is greatly appreciated.    

 Hospice Volunteer Training Program

We are delighted to soon be able to offer a Hospice Volunteer Training program in association with PrimeCare Hospice.  

We are looking for people like yourself.  Whether your gift is sharing music, crafting, maybe your own certified pet, you are a veteran willing to serve other veterans, or you are comfortable just sitting and talking to someone....we need you.  

We will provide free training that will prepare you to walk along beside a hospice patient as well as potentially your own family and friends someday.  

Please call and reserve a place in our next training class that we anticipate beginning some time in mid-June. (More details to come).  

Join us in making this world a better place.  Thank you for having the heart to be of service to others.

Garry Walsh - New Church of Phoenix
Nancy Curran - PrimeCare Hospice

Full moon rising over Phoenix
(provided by Chris Clark)
 Which Church Are You From?
There is a question that I've been asked over and over in recent years.  The question is: What church are you from?  This question, in some form, is generally the first question asked after someone discovers that I am a pastor.  One of the wonderful things that I've discovered while living in Phoenix is that most people seem to be positive about religion with many having a particular church that they attend with at least some regularity. 
So, what is the church that I am pastor of?  The easiest answer is to provide the church name and location. Many people have seen our building as they drive around town.  The name and location give them something to identify me with.  Some people go further, asking what denomination we are.  This gets a bit trickier.  Still, the answer that we are a stand-alone Christian denomination, headquartered near Philadelphia but with branches all over the world usually satisfies.  
These are nice questions that form part of normal polite conversation.  During such interactions I am generally asking the other person similar questions about their life.  Still, for the most part these types of questions and answers stay clear of the most important question when it comes to the church that I serve and that many people around the world have grown to love.  They don't ask the real question of: What is the New Church?
In the Gospel of John we find the story of the Lord washing the disciples' feet after celebrating the Passover with them.  He then began to give them a series of messages that would be critical once His earthly life ended and they were out on their work of spreading the good news.  Among these teachings was this simple message, "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now."  
These twelve disciples had been with the Lord throughout the three years of His public ministry. They had obviously been taught many, many things.  Still, there was so much more that they could only learn later, once they were ready.  It wasn't just the disciples, humanity as a whole wasn't ready.  These new Christians had to learn to walk in the Lord's teachings before they could learn to run.
The New Church is all about what happened some seventeen hundred years later.  The Heavenly Doctrine, the Writings delivered through Emanuel Swedenborg began to be presented to the world.  Evidently humanity was now ready.  What had changed?  The scientific revolution?  The Age of Enlightenment?  Clearly humanity was starting to think differently.  This new thinking allowed the Lord to start to teach the things that in His providence He had delayed teaching earlier.  
The Christian era had been a vital stepping stone that still helps millions of people gain a clearer sense of their loving Creator God.  The New Christian era takes things further, a long way further.  These new teachings reveal ideas that have long been hidden here in the world. They shed light on the Lord in a wonderful new way.  
What is the New Church?  It is Christianity taken to the next level.  It is a source of incredible knowledge about the Lord and His created universe.  The New Church is the entity, the belief system, that finally allows people to understand their eternal purpose.  That purpose is to love the Lord our God with all our being and to love our neighbor as our self.  The purpose is to be transformed from the person we were born as, into the angel that the Lord has always intended for us to be. The Lord wants to educate and lead us so that we come to find eternal happiness in His kingdom.

- Garry
  New Church Day Celebrations

This year New Church Day (June 19) falls on June 19.  Our worship service will focus on what it is that makes the New Church new.  Following worship there will be a lunch gathering at the home of Fred and Barbara Fiedler.

It is anticipated that those attending the lunch gathering will be asked to bring a food or drink item if they can.
  "New Church Month of Giving" Appeal

June has been chosen for an appeal titled: "New Church Month of Giving".  This appeal, led by Tara Fehon - Donor Relations Manager for the General Church, will focus on encouraging members and friends to give locally to their congregation and centrally to the General Church Annual Fund. 
Communications to US-based General Church members is expected to begin June 1 and will take place through the month via emails, social media and post cards.
This is an opportunity to express individual and collective generosity based on what we value about the New Church in general and the General Church in particular, considering what each of us has gained by means of our association with the church that we love.

General Church Office of Education - Young Family Gifts 

The General Church Office of Education is continuing to reach out to about 400 General Church families with children ages 0-6 with gifts and other resources-this most recent time with a focus on New Church Day.
The mailing includes a Countdown Calendar, with a pseudonym "Second Advent Calendar," designed to reveal a different picture from the Book of Revelation each day from June 1 to 19. It's a scratch-off format, with a nice big guitar pic as a tool. Also included are some featured New Church Day videos and projects that people can access, a family talk from our Assistant Bishop Peter Buss, and some coloring pages. Given the June 1 start time of the project, mailings are expected to arrive in people's mailboxes before then.

May and June
Birthdays and Anniversaries


Barbara Fiedler - May 7
Maya Odhner - May 14
Joshua Odhner - May 15
Vicky Clark - May 22

Norm Henderson - Jun. 6
Steven Odhner - Jun. 22
Fred Fiedler -  Jun. 25
Amy Odhner - Jun. 26
Caleb Van Hine - Jun. 27
Joyce Loding -  Jun. 29

Joe and Tryn Rose Seley - May 23

If you or someone you know is not on this list but should be, please contact Garry at (480)991-0048 or
Vision & Purpose

"The Lord's Divine Providence has as its end a heaven from the human race."

(Divine Providence 27)