February 2017  


Did you know SSC offers one-on-one meetings about your background screening program at no additional cost? We can meet with your leadership team to discuss your specific screening program, offer customized solutions and help build a screening package to fit your hiring needs. Call 203-925-6186 to set up a personalized discussion now.

Need to verify an applicant's employment or income history? Checking to see if a candidate has a criminal history or civil judgements? That means no double-dipping. If you get a consumer report for one purpose, don't use it for a different purpose. The FCRA applies when...

Legislators are reviving a debate over regulating ride hailing companies like Uber and Lyft. The Bill would come down to a few major tenets: background checks, surge prices and insurance. Background checks are conducted by both Uber and Lyft before drivers are...

Richmond, VA - A Proposale law could change the way child care providers operate, requiring criminal history background checks. The law would require anyone serving a child care provider to undergo a...

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The settlements resolve charges the FTC brought in Feb 2016 against several diploma mills that used names like Capitol High School, Aberdeem Academy and more. The defendants are banned from marketing or selling any academic degree or...

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Thank you for reading the SSC Screening Essentials Newsletter! 

Maribeth Martino 

Manager, SSC Investigations Department

Disclaimer: All information presented is for information purposes only and is not intended to provide professional or legal advice regarding actions to take in any situation. SSC, Inc. makes no representations for any products or services that are mentioned and accepts no responsibility for any actions or consequences taken without the guidance of a licensed attorney or professional consultant.