"When I seek You, my God, what I am seeking is a life of happiness"  ~St. Augustine
The readings for this Sunday are Zep 2:3, 3:12-13; 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 5:1-12.  In the Gospel, Jesus begins what is known as his Sermon on the Mount by presenting the Beatitudes.  The word beatitude refers to a state of deep happiness or joy and the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the Beatitudes, provides us with the spiritual map to true happiness.  God has placed the desire for true happiness in each person's heart.  The path to that happiness, however, is not easy, as the Beatitudes attest, and it is not accomplished without the grace of the Holy Spirit acting within us through our cooperation and faith in Jesus Christ.  As you prepare for Mass this weekend, here are some questions for reflection: How do the Beatitudes challenge my notion of happiness? In what pursuits do I find happiness and where do these pursuits place me on the path of Beatitude?
This Weekend...

Here's what's happening in addition to our regular weekend Mass schedule:
  • Saturday, January 28th, 4 PM Vigil Mass
    - Cardinal Sean O'Malley and Prior Provinicial Fr. Michael DiGregorio lead us in celebrating a Mass of Thanksgiving in recognition of St. Augustine Parish's 150th Anniversary.  A brief reception will be held afterwards in St. Rita Hall (lower level of the church).
  • Sunday, January 29th, 9:30 AM Mass
    - The students from St. Augustine School host this Mass to kick off the annual Catholic Schools Week.
For complete information about parish events view the  weekly bulletin here 
or visit our website  at  www.staugustineparish.org .

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