Our 2nd Graders in the School and Religious Education program received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on the evening of Thursday, February 2. Many approached the sacrament with apprehension, then felt the elation of having their sins forgiven. This is what they had to say about the experience:
1. How did you feel before, during and/or after First Reconciliation?
"Before I felt happy and after I felt good." - Ella McLaughlin
"Before I felt really really scared and nervous and after I felt happy because I didn't have any sins." - Annabelle Wrocinski
"I felt nervous before, happy after, and fine during." - Helen Lane
Kinda nervous, then happy." - Alastair Pennington
"At first, I felt very scared and at last I felt so so good." - Greer Westmeyer
"I felt nervous before. After I felt very happy. During it I felt less nervous then I thought I would." - Colin Hartman
2.What is good about Reconciliation?
You get sins out of your head." - Charlie Cali
"That all your sins are washed away and now we don't have anymore sins!" - Patrick Mazza
"God forgives us of all your sins, it is the sacrament of Penance and we all come together." - Colin Sims
"It's good that my sins are washed away because of God." - Peter Cusick
"Reconciliation is good because you receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation." - Alex Medio
"It is good that your heart is open." - Oliver Devereux
3.What will you do differently now that you've received the sacrament of Reconciliation?
"I won't hit hit my brother when I'm mad." - Abby Biskner
"Make sure me and my sister don't fight anymore." - Luke Renz
"I will try not to be mean." - Charlie French
"I will help my sister if she has any problems. Or is she needs help with something." - Payden Bohr
"I will be nice to others and I will do what my mom and dad say to do." - Christopher York
4.What advice do you have for adults regarding the sacrament of Reconciliation?
Well I think they should do it because they sometimes do the wrong things." - Sofia Norbot
"I don't know how to answer that." - Eve Gray
"Don't be scared because I wasn't scared, I was so excited." - August Hanssel
"If you sin don't do it again." - Emmet McCarron
"I would tell them that God forgives us even if we were bad or good." - Alyssa Turek
"I would tell them that some people think it's scary but when you go up to the priest and talk to him it isn't scary anymore." - Lara Fairfield
"They should be brave and go up there and talk to the priest." - Chloe Gerstner
5) When do you plan to receive the sacrament again?
Once a month is probably good." - Eoin Vaughan
"I plan to receive the sacrament at the end of next year." - Mika Dzakovic
"I would receive it again when I have more sins." - Olivia Wolf
"I would want to receive it again when I turn eight." - Mara Sendlak
"I want to receive this sacrament in two years." - Robby Dunkel