February 9, 2017
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Yosef L!
Thank You!
Thank you to the Be'eri family for donating Harry Potter books for the library!

Thank you to the Safren Family for donating books to the library.
Purim Carnival
The Purim Carnival will be held on Sunday, March 12 from 11:30 am-1:00 pm at Akiva. If anyone would like to help please contact Rabbi Greenwald.
Used Book Fair
Akiva Academy held a Used Book Fair on Monday evening. We would like thank all the families who donated books for our sale. We would also like to thank Mrs. Linetsky, Mrs. Ortega, and Mrs. Shteinberg for organizing and pricing the books. Everyone had a wonderful time looking through all the books. The school raised over $100 which we will use to buy new books for our library.
Click here for Calendar

Feb 1 - Mar 25
Parent's Choice Bursary Application Accepted

Thurs-Fri, Feb. 16-17
PD Day No School
Daycare Open

Mon, Feb. 20
Family Day
No School 
Daycare Closed

Fri, Feb. 24
Grandparents' Day
8:15-10:30 AM

Fri, Mar. 3
Second Report Cards go Home
Parent's Choice Bursary 2017/18
Once again, we are pleased to offer the Parent's Choice Bursaries for the 2017/18 school year. This year our intention is to award a total of 450 bursaries (renewals and new bursaries). The parameters for the program can be found on our website, .

There are some things which I wish to give special attention:

1)     Our mailing address is:
The Prosser Foundation
Parent's Choice Bursaries
201 908 17 Ave SW
Calgary, AB   T2T 0A3

2)      On the application, under School Section, we have clarified the Tuition reported is the actual tuition for the student. Tuition does not include bussing, activity, supplies, etc. Any discounts (ie multiple students from same family) should also be deducted from the reported tuition.

3)      The income guideline for low income cut-off is used at the discretion of the selection committee. We do not want to discourage any family from applying.

4)      Printable applications are available on our website and must be mailed to our office.

5)      Applications will be accepted from February 1, 2017 to March 25, 2017.

6)      Selection will be made in the following order: 1:  renewals; 2: students new to the school (1st year offered preferred); 3: all others (by lottery).

7)      We anticipate an increase in the number of applications we will receive and ask that  they be checked for completeness before submission. Please ensure that all parts are filled in; that they are signed by both the Parent & school authority; and that each is accompanied with the back-up income documentation.
We look forward to working with you again this year.

Yours truly,
Kathy Prosser, Executive Director
The Prosser Charitable Foundation
Grandparents' Day
On Friday, February 24th, all grandparents and/or surrogate grandparents are invited to join their grandchildren at school for Grandparents' Day. Grandparents may join their grandchildren for Tefillah at 8:15 or visit with one another in the gym. We will have a short assembly at approximately 8:40 followed by some amazing activities in the classrooms. Grandparents are encouraged to participate along with their grandchildren.  
Refreshments will be served at around 10:30 to conclude our special day. 
Please complete the form to assist us in estimating how many grandparents we should expect for the morning. 
March Hot Lunch
The March Hot Lunch Order Form and Calendar are now available. Please return completed form with payment to the office by February 23.
Daycare PD Day Programs
Thursday, February 16th we will be staying at Akiva. Hours are 8:30 AM -6:00 PM.

Friday, February 17th we will be going to Tommy K Play. The entry fee is $13.95 plus tax. Transportation will be determined depending on the amount of children enrolled for this day. An extra fee of $9.95 (plus tax) applies if your child would like to play laser tag or enjoy the climbing wall. Hours are 8:30 AM-4 PM.

A field trip form will be provided on Wednesday, February 15th, or will be available at the Daycare.

Please contact Morah Laura if you would like to sign up at [email protected].

Daycare PD Day Fee: $25/child
After School PD Day Fee: $45/child
Accountability Pillar Parent Survey Update
Alberta Education has been getting some inquiries from schools and parents about the Accountability Pillar Surveys. The surveys began being mailed during the week of January 23-27 and will be finished this week. If an eligible parent (parent of a student in grades 4-9) has not received the survey by the end of this week (February 10), then they can contact us for a replacement. The surveys must be completed by the end of this month.

For additional surveys, please contact Katherine Wowk at [email protected] or by telephone at 780-422-3959 (dial 310-0000 to be connected toll-free).
Green Calgary Presentation
Green Calgary was at Akiva Academy on Wednesday, February 8 to do a workshop on waste management. The presentations were very informative. The students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 learned a lot about how we deal with waste. Ask your child to describe what they learned from attending the presentation. Thank you Morah Marina for arranging the workshop, this was very appropriate as we enter Tu Bishvat and celebrate the New Year for trees.

What are our preschool farmers planting?  A tree for Tu Bshavt or vegetables so we can say a bracha?

Grade 1 and 2 students reading and singing in celebration of Tu B'Shvat

Science Fair
Akiva Academy held its annual Science Fair on Monday, February 6th. Thank you students for your excellent projects and displays. It takes a lot of planning, hard work and time preparing a Science Fair project. I would also like to thank the teachers (Morah Corinne, Morah Stacey, Morah Traci, Morah Alexandra, Morah Kathryn and Mr. Habot) for all of their hard work getting the students organized and set up for the evening. Akiva Academy would like to thank Mr. Virine for his assistance with the projects and supplying the certificates and awards. We would also like to thank our judges Richard J. Edelmuth, William and Lidia Talalayevsky, Dr. Avigor Moise and Dr. Issac Paul. The parents, visitors and staff enjoyed viewing all of the projects and listening to the students' explanations.

Sponsorship Opportunities at Akiva
Would you like to sponsor a school event in honour of a relative or friend?
There are many ways to sponsor activities or events at Akiva. 

Here are some ways:
A day of Hot Lunch $150
Holiday Assembly $180
Field Trip for a class $250 
Pre-School Snack $50
Library Books $36

For more information please see Rabbi Greenwald
Chabad Events