:: Federation Four ::
Noteworthy news from the Calgary Jewish Federation family
June 22, 2018 | 9 Tammuz 5778 ט' תמוז
Kol Hakavod to all the winners of the 2018 Shem Tov Awards . Our community is strong and vibrant because of the efforts of these volunteers. Click here for a full list of award recipients.
Federation hosted an interfaith engagement meeting as part of the City of Calgary’s commitment to the 100 Resilient Cities project . Our voice was added to the inputs the city will use to build a resiliency strategy. The project acknowledges how strong cultural and social networks support us in times of need.
At this year's Calgary Awards , Cynthia Prasow was recognized for her outstanding academic achievement and for her work enhancing learning opportunities for Calgarians. Congratulations Cynthia!
Federation is pleased to welcome Danielle Braitman as our new Emerging Gen Coordinator. Danielle will be responsible for JAC (adults under 40), and Hillel on both campuses.