Quick Links
We know you're busy, and we want to help! These quick links will connect you to the GrapeVine page on WWHF as well as bulletin board printables and a monthly observances calendar.


Thank you for being so quick to adopt the GrapeVine program updates! We've received great feedback on the new surveys that are now given out at the end of sessions.

 Please continue to notify Nora of your scheduled sessions via e-mail or online.

 We appreciate all you do!

Co-presenting Tips from GV Nurses
Uncomfortable presenting a certain GV topic alone? Looking to try something new? Consider co-presenting! GrapeVine nurses, Mary Ellen Smith and Vicki Dantoin, do. Accustomed to doing group work at the Door County Public Health Department, the pair started leading GV sessions together as well. Most recent was a Heart Health session for a group at the local senior center. Here's what they have to say about co-presenting:
  • It gives participants more one-on-one attention. You have additional hands to help them get settled and complete surveys.
  • You have back-up! If someone gets sick or something comes up, there's always another person to take over.
  • The audience enjoys it. They get to listen to two different speakers with their own unique stories and personal experiences.
  • It offers more flexibility. You can split up the session however you want, depending on the areas you're most comfortable with or have the most knowledge on. Give it a try!
Happy Heart Month! Free Heart Health Resources
Young adults have trouble controlling their blood pressure too, and unfortunately, many report a  lack of resources related to blood pressure information and heart health education. To address the problem, the University of Wisconsin  School of Medicine & Public Health created  MyHEART, a heart program tailored to younger adults. 

You can click on the link above to explore the website. Also be sure to check out the  free heart health toolkit for healthcare providers, community outreach volunteers, and health organizations.
Inflammation's Impact on Bone Density
A growing body of evidence suggests that factors which increase inflammation can increase osteoporosis. Researchers at Ohio State University recently used that information to study the effect of anti-inflammatory diets on bone density. Great information to add to your Bone Health sessions! 

Learn more about the  study findings.
Preventive Screenings Update
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced an update to the Women's Preventive Services Guidelines. The Guidelines aim to improve women's health across the lifespan by identifying preventive services and screenings to be used in clinical practice.  The updated guidelines will apply on or after December 20, 2017. The press release and more information can be found here. 

Self-Care Webinar Recording
If you missed the self-care webinar from January, it is recorded and  archived on YouTube.  

Dr. Ann Rolling provided great examples and exercises to put into your everyday practice for promoting  self-care and resiliency!
Pilot Training for New Units
As mentioned in last month's e-newsletter, the WWHF staff is scheduling pilot trainings for the revised and new 2017 GV units. We are looking for 10 nurses per topic, who will then lead their own pilot sessions. All trainings are scheduled to be held at the WWHF Office (2503 Todd Drive, Madison). 

Healthy Aging Brain
Monday, February 20th, 12-2 pm (1 opening remaining)

Breast Cancer
Thursday, March 30th, 12-2 pm (10 openings available)

Monday, April 10th, 12-2 pm (10 openings available)
More information about each session can be found on the WWHF Events Calendar. Please contact Nora if you are interested.
2017 GrapeVine Conference
Reminder that the Conference will be held in Madison July 24-25, 2017.

Registration will be available come April. 
Healthy Aging Regional Trainings (HeARTs)
The Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging is hosting Healthy Aging Regional Trainings (HeARTs), appropriate for anyone wanting to grow their health promotion program. Included is the flyer for more information.


Lori Rudoph has been a GrapeVine nurse for more than a decade! In January, she led five GV sessions, including four on gynecological cancer for Baraboo High School students. She had a connection there and was able to work a GV session (with some modifications to add in male reproductive organ cancers) into their health class unit on sexually transmitted diseases.

Lori admits she was anxious the night before, but her concerns were unfounded. The students were mature, asked great questions, and even shared personal experiences. To anyone wanting to reach out to a younger audience, Lori offers this advice: "I tried to make it personal. I shared my excitement about the HPV vaccine and that theirs is the first generation that actually has a vaccine that can eliminate certain cancers.  I emphasized the power they have when they share this information [to] directly impact the health and well-being of themselves and others that they love". 

Overall, the experience working with the high school health class was a lot of fun. Lori says she's looking forward to being invited back next year! 
Want to be featured in the next GV e-newsletter? Send your session stories and pictures to Nora at [email protected]. We'd love to hear and share what you've been up to!
Jan: 100 women served
2017 goal: 1500 women

The following community partners completed
11 sessions  during the month of January:
Diann Pichotta (2) 
Janet Godshall 
Kimberly Bocher 
Lori Rudolph (5)
Vicki Dantoin & Mary Ellen Smith
Vicky Dantoin & Nancy Stults 

Thank you!
You are making a difference for Wisconsin families!
***Reminder: Please be sure to send your paperwork (sign-in sheet, surveys, and session report) to WWHF within 2 weeks of your session, so information can be entered and follow-up contacts made. Thank you.