Incidence of apparent life-threatening events (ALTE) and post-natal risk factors
It appears, from a study conducted in Northern Italy, which examined the incidence of ALTE from hospital discharge records' database of healthy infants without pathological perinatal conditions, that the cumulative incidence (from diagnostic codes!!) of ALTE is 4.1 per 1,000 live births with risk factors including gastroesophageal reflux (31%), acute respiratory infections (7%), and a family history of sudden death (previous studies identified neurological conditions and cardiac anomalies as additional risk factors (Ed.)
Academic achievement in adults with a history of childhood
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Results of young adults (mean age 27 years) from a birth cohort with research-identified ADHD (vs. a matched control normal group), administered an academic achievement battery of tests, indicates that childhood ADHD is associated with long-term under achievement; scoring 3 to 5 grade equivalence lower on all academic tests for basic reading, letter word identification, passage comprehension and arithmetic.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Diagnostic accuracy of fibrinogen (FB) to differentiate appendicitis from non-specific abdominal pain (NSAP) in children
A study which prospectively evaluated all children (275) 5-15 years of age admitted with a diagnosis of "suspected appendicitis" in whom FB, white blood count (WBC), absolute neutrophil count (ANC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured, indicates that WBC and ANC have moderate diagnostic accuracy for appendicitis, while FB and CRP are poor in differentiating appendicitis from NSPA (FB and CRP however, are good in differentiating between complicated vs. uncomplicated appendicitis).
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-This is a "Must Have" (Ed.)
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Anesthesia and surgery during childhood - long-term academic performance
In a cohort study of 33,514 children exposed to anesthesia and surgery before age 4 years where school grades at 16 years and IQ test scores at 18 years were compared to an unexposed matched group (with multiple variables being taken into account), results indicate that 1 or more exposures produces a minimally lower school grade and IQ test score (markedly less than the differences associated with sex, maternal educational level, etc.).
Exposure to anesthesia and surgery before age 4 years in
human children has only a small effect on later performance in academics and cognitive function; this in spite of previous data in young
animals that has demonstrated neurodegenerative and neurocognitive impairments following exposure to almost all clinically available anesthetic drugs.
Association between influenza infection and vaccination during pregnancy and risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
"Maternal infections and fever during pregnancy are associated with increased risk for ASD".
A study of a large cohort of pregnant mothers in whom influenza was diagnosed, between conception to delivery, who were either vaccinated or not, and whose offspring were assessed for ASD, indicates no association between maternal influenza infection anytime during pregnancy &/or Influenza vaccination and an increase in ASD risk.
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) of the breast in adolescent and young adult (AYA) women
Soft tissue sarcomas constitute 8% of all tumors in adolescents and young adults with RMS accounting for 5.2% - 6.5% of them.
A single hospital study of 46 patients with RMS (mean age 12.5 years) indicates 57% are male, 39 are AYA with 8.7% of females having breast involvement.
AYA women with RMS and breast involvement is associated with alveolar histology, metastatic disease and poor outcome. Young adult females with RMS should have routine breast examination/imaging.
Trans-anal irrigation in treatment of children with Intractable Functional Constipation (FC)
"Peristeen is a rectal/lower colon irrigation system that only requires water and is an effective alternative to other bowel management methods". With a catheter and balloon
system, it enhances with regular use, peristalsis and mass fecal movement without anal fecal/fluid leakage.
A cross-sectional survey study of parents of children (aged 0-18 years) diagnosed with fecal incontinence due to FC (Rome III criteria) and treated with Peristeen indicates that 53% experience complete resolution or only occasional fecal incontinence.
86% of parents are satisfied with trans-anal irrigation. Side effects include pain during catheter insertion, balloon inflation or during irrigation.
Did you know?
Nicklaus Children's is proud to have been the host of this year's
Pediatrics 2040 (PEDS2040) conference, which showcases the future of technology and innovation in
pediatric healthcare.
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