Volume XX | Month Day 20XX
BearBuy Updates
February 2017
Dear BearBuy Users,
We would like to inform you of a few updates and important events coming soon. 
Please review the topics below and follow the links or scroll down for more information on each topic.  
This month's BearBuy News:
  1. Voucher Prefix Change
  2. Policy Corner
  3. 'Did you know?' Useful BearBuy Tip Reminder
If you have any questions, please contact the BearBuy Help Desk at  
510-664-9000 (options 1,2) or   BearBuyHelp@berkeley.edu  for immediate assistance.

Thank you for your continued support, 

UC Berkeley BearBuy Team 
Supply Chain Management
1. Voucher Prefix Change
The voucher prefix 'SQD' will be changing in BearBuy. On March 1, 2017 all vouchers will only contain the letter S' as it's prefix followed by a 7 digit number combination.

This change will not  change how vouchers are processed and reviewed by departments. No action is needed. 
2. Policy Corner

Low Value Purchasing Authority (LVPA)

Did you know some UC Berkeley Employees may purchase common goods & services that do not require a signed contract for transactions up to $4,999.99  under the LVPA granted to departments? Additionally, UC Employees can exceed their LVPA whenever using a strategically sourced  catalog in BearBuy.  Employees are encouraged to use these catalogs whenever possible. 

Senior Buyers have the delegated authority to sign contracts on behalf of The Regents of the University of California and make purchases more than $5,000.00. Some transactions, regardless of price will require Senior Buyer review when special considerations apply such as Conflict of Interest, Prevailing Wage, Intellectual Property (IP) concerns, Data Security compliance or when competitive bidding is mandatory. For more information on special considerations, click here.  Also, restricted items such as firearms, explosives, controlled substances and hazardous materials need Senior Buyer review. Additional information on restricted item purchasing can be found here.

For detailed information on Low Value Purchasing Authority, visit the link below or contact your Senior Buyer if you have questions.


3. 'Did you know?' Useful BearBuy Tip Reminder

Q: I need to select a new order address on a form based order for a Supplier. When I look in BFS, the address I need is listed as address #3. How do I select address #3 on a form based order in BearBuy? 

A: By default, If a Supplier has multiple fulfillment addresses (order addresses), once the Supplier name is populated on the form a 'select different fulfillment orders' link will be visible within the Fulfillment Address section. Click on 'select different fulfillment orders' .

All available Fulfillment addresses for the supplier in question will be displayed in pop-up window. Select the desired fulfullment address.
If an address you need is listed in BFS but not visible in BearBuy, please contact bearbuyhelp@berkeley.edu.