We hope you will enjoy this issue of our weekly e-newsletter. Each week we'll keep you informed on what's happening here at St. Matthew's Cathedral - news from the week, what's coming up, and how  you  can be a part of it. This should reach your inbox by Friday giving you a heads up for the  upcoming  week. We hope this helps you plan your week, and maybe even provides a little inspiration to get you through it! Be sure to "Like" us on Facebook  to stay in the know between emails.

A Message from the Dean...
"Now we're Going to Teach you about Grace"
". . ."You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.'  But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well."
- Matthew 5:38-41 
When I first went to speak with my Bishop about my sense of call to ordained  ministry, at the end of our time together he said, "Well, you've learned about law; now we're going to teach you about grace." Bishop Bailey was not being sarcastic. His father, grandfather, and brothers were all lawyers. He went to law school for a year before going to seminary himself, so I think he had a soft spot for lawyers.
Our Gospel reading presents an interesting contrast between the Law from the Old Testament and the Grace of the New Testament. Often our pictures of Jesus present him as sort of a milquetoast sort of person, speaking softly, gentle, meek and mild sort of person. But our Gospel reading presents Jesus making the law harder to keep rather than easier: don't go just the first mile, rather go the second. I thought the New      Testament was full of grace and not law, yet here is Jesus  making the law stricter rather than easier. What gives?
What Jesus does is to spiritualize the law. The Old Testament gives us the  letter of the law: "thou shalt not . . ." while Jesus gives us the spirit behind the law. He looks at our heart. Jesus is more concerned with our attitude than an  external obedience to the letter of the law. So, rather than simply not killing our neighbor, we should watch after our neighbor. Rather than giving our cloak only, we should give our coat as well. Rather than simply not committing adultery, we should not even look on another woman with lust. Ah, the heart. It is much harder to try to convince ourselves that we are righteous when we take our heart into consideration.
And when it comes to stewardship, Jesus carries this spiritualizing of the law to a deeper level as well. The Old Testament standard of giving was ten percent: give ten percent to the support of the Temple or the Synagogue-that is what faithful followers of God do. What would Jesus say about our giving in this New Testament, grace-filled age? Give freely. Give cheerfully. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give as you have been blessed. Freely you have received, freely give. For some people tithing isn't enough. And for some people, tithing might be more than is expected. What does your heart tell you? Has God blessed you?
Actually, grace is much harder to live by, because it will often cause us to go the second and third mile.
Adult Christian Formation
Feb 5th - Feb 12th, 9:35-10:15am
Pivotal Players of the Christian Faith
Stage End of the Great Hall

A multi-part film series that illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization.
Feb. 19 -  Michelangelo
Adult Bible Study 
Sundays, 9:35 am

13 weeks, 13 chapters of Hebrews
Starting Today, Jan 29th in The Lodge
Come ready to be blessed with all the treasures of this New Testament book for your life today.  (The Lodge is located through the black iron gate next to Garrett Hall).  

Adult Formation -
"How to Speak Episcopalian"
Confirmation Class,
 Sundays, 9:35am
Garrett Parlor
For those interested in being confirmed, or received, or simply wanting to know more about the Apostolic faith and order .

Coffee Hour after 10:30
Service is back!

A big thanks goes to the folks from Terrell for getting our coffee hour off to a great start. Please join us each week as food, drink and fellowship will be offered in the Gallery section of the Great Hall after the 10:30 service.

Coffee Hour Teams Needed

This ministry needs at least 2 people each week to set up for coffee hour. Training, supplies and food will be provided. If you are interested, please contact: 

Varita Michell at
or 214-621-0379.

Lunch after the 10:30 svc-Feb 19th
Hosted by Young Adults
All are welcome!

Lunch is scheduled for Sunday, February 19th at La Calle Doce, 1925 Skillman St., Dallas, TX  75206. Text Fr. David to let him know you're coming 

Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper
Tuesday, Feb 28th, 6:00pm

The Cathedral will be hosting our annual Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 28th. Pancakes, Bacon, Sausage, Coffee and Orange Juice!  $5 per person/$20 a family.  Logan Hurst will be selling tickets starting today, after each service in the gallery section of the Great Hall. Buy tickets ahead or pay at the door!


Wednesday Nights
6:00 pm - Stations of the Cross
6:30 pm - Light supper, Great Hall
7:00 pm - Lenten Program
Celebration of Discipline
  •  March 8 - Intro to the Disciplines
  •  March 15 - Inward Disciplines
  •  March 22 - Outward Disciplines
  •  March 29 - Corporate Disciplines
  •  April 5 - Wrapping Up-Next Steps
  •  April 12- Seder Supper
Youth Confirmation Classes, Children's Programming, and Nursery will be available March 8 - April 5.

Choral Evensong
Sunday, Feb 19th, 4pm

Music of Stanford, Stopford, Parry, Brewer and Barstow. Drawn from the 17th century, worshipers are invited to enter into a sacred space of reflection through music, scripture, and prayers that have shaped Christian lives for hundreds of years. Bring a friend! All are welcome!

"Project Hope"
Artist Reception
Thur, Feb 23rd, 6-8pm

Sundermann Gallery
Featuring works of Dallas artists,
Jessica L. Bell and Cristina Estrella Riggs
Saint Matthew's Cathedral Arts recently received a Special Support grant for $4,000.00 from the City  of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs for a spring project entitled "Project Hope." Partnering with Dallas artists, Cristina Estrella Riggs and Jessica L. Bell, SMCA will provide a safe creative space for Dallas' homeless community to create, exhibit and sell original artwork in the Sundermann Gallery. Inspired by the this project, Jessica Bell and   Cristina Riggs will present their individual visual representations of hope. 

For more information visit:
Pledging Made Easy
If you would like to submit your pledge card electronically please click here. The form provided is on secure site and all information is sent directly to the church office. For any questions please call us at 214.823.8134. If you are more comfortable with a traditional pledge card, they will be mailed out to you in the next week. Thank you for your continued support of God's work here at St. Matthew's Cathedral!

Breakfast Casseroles needed for Food Pantry Outreach
Many thanks to those who faithfully make breakfast casseroles for our food pantry neighbors. This is an ongoing ministry! Please, click here, to go to signup genius to sign up to bring casseroles. Pans and recipe are in the foyer. For more information contact [email protected] .

Weekly Services
8:00 am - Holy Eucharist
9:00 am - Breakfast in Great Hall
9:35 am - Sunday School
      10:30 am - Holy Eucharist

Morning Prayer  
M-F  8:45am, Oratory

Evening Prayer 
T-Th  6:00 pm, Oratory
          (Excluding Feast Days)

       6:00 pm - Evening Prayer

      10:00 am - Eucharist, Oratory
        6:00 pm - Evening Prayer, Oratory
St. Matthew's Cathedral Staff

The Very Rev'd Dr. Neal Michell
The Rev'd David Miller
Assisting Priest
The Rev'd Canon George Luck
Assisting Priest
The Rev'd Canon Diana Luck ,
Assisting Pastor for Outreach
The Rev'd Mark Hall ,
Deacon for Pastoral Care
The Rev'd Pam Dunbar
Assisting Deacon
Mr. Logan Hurst
Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Mr. Keith Franks
Director of Music and Organist
Mr. Larry Budgewater

Stay Connected
5100 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206 - 214.823.8134