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Reports of the Death of the American Dream Are Greatly Exaggerated 
A comfortable retirement is still in our grasp. Tim Maurer explores three ways to help you make the most of today's retirement reality. More from Maurer:  Err on the Side of Conservatism

Financial Tips for a Fresh Start to 2017
Stuart Vick Smith discusses ways for starting a new year off on the right foot financially. Her tips: Revisit your budget, increase retirement savings, review insurance needs, re-examine debt and update your will.

Financial Literacy and How It Affects Us All
In her MoneyZen podcast, Manisha Thakor talks with Annamaria Lusardi of The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center about financially fragile groups and how low financial literacy affects the economy as a whole. More from the MoneyZen podcast:  The Feel Rich Project

Diversification in a Flattening World 
Let's unpack the data on return integration and correlation across the globe. Larry Swedroe examines recent research into the state of geographic and asset class diversification benefits.