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Title Notes E-News             West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC               February 2017

On Leadership and Hiring
Why Leaders Shouldn't Be Afraid to Push Past Surface-Level Interview Questions
by Bob La Loggia
If you've been in a leadership position for more than a couple of years, you've likely interviewed dozens of job candidates.

You know all the textbook tactics, and you've seen every character imaginable - from the guy wearing an Armani suit and too much cologne to the recent college graduate nervously shaking in her boots...Perhaps, like me, you've fallen for the act in the past. Remember when you were excited about the candidate who knocked the interview out of the park, only to find out that she was a dud a month later?

So to guard yourself against this mistake, you try to be shrewder than the interviewee. You ask her sly behavioral questions, have her come in for multiple interviews, and make her take a series of tests. But unfortunately, no amount of testing will reveal the real person, especially in the artificial environment of an interview. You can't really know whether the candidate will be a self-starting, knowledge-hungry superstar or a clock-watching D-list player until you give her the job.

So what should you do? Click HERE to learn more.
Here are additional articles related to Leadership & Professional Development you may enjoy: 

Pressing Issues: Four Big Hot Buttons in Regulatory Credit Risk Management
by Merrill J. Reynolds, Jr.
While robust credit risk management always occupies an important place, the need intensifies during periods of expansion. Credit quality has improved-but that does not mean banking regulators have given up their day jobs. While the instances of risk rating changes from safety and soundness exams are few, we've seen an increased "under the hood" focus by the regulators on the quality of credit risk management.

Taking from recent conversations with numerous regulatory agencies, and our experience reviewing loan portfolios of financial institutions nationwide, we offer these "big four" regulatory credit risk management hot buttons. Click   HERE  to learn more about these issues from Mr. Reynolds.

Here are additional articles related to   Community Banks you may enjoy: 
17 Proven Productivity Techniques You Can Start Using Today
by Thomas Oppong
The search for better and smarter ways to be awesome at what we do never ends. Your quest to make significant progress everyday can be achieved with some of these productive techniques.
Click   HERE  to gain insights into Thomas Oppong's that you can begin implementing today.

Here are additional articles related to   Personal Development you may enjoy: 

A Look at FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums Through the Decades
Where does MIP sit today?
by Brena Swanson
Up until  this year , the  Federal Housing Administration  has not reduced annual mortgage insurance premiums since January 2015. But before that, there was long history in how the MIP has seesawed up and down. 
The 2015 reduction came in a series of increases and reductions that have taken effect since 2010. And before the increase in 2010, there was a long standstill in mortgage insurance premiums, which the Mortgage Bankers Association puts into context in its latest chart of the week.  Click HERE to read more. 
Click Chart to Enlarge

Here is additional article related to the   Mortgage Industry you may enjoy: 
Gen Z: The Dawning of a New Disruption
by Linda Bennett
Just as brands were beginning to really perfect how to interact and engage with Millennials, a new generation with different trials and tools is coming up on Gen Y's heels to challenge everything we think we know. Defining Gen Y as 20-34 and Gen Z as 16-19, we are taking a deep dive into the 'what's next' for brands.

In our research and approach featured in the  Journal of Brand Strategy, we discuss the importance of our audience first methodology. "In order to really understand audiences, our approach hinges upon the concept that 'we must be or become them.' That means that our approach helps us see the world through our audience's lens... Long gone are the days of brands quickly generating messages and throwing them out to see what sticks." Now, just as brands were perfecting their interactions and engagement with the Millennial audience, a new generation with a whole new set of trials and tools is set to bring Disruption 2.0.

Change is Coming, Ready or Not . Click HERE to read more.

Here are  additional articles related to the Customer Experience you may enjoy: 


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

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Bob Drummond
Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
Vice President & Agency Manager
West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC
1547 Tulip Lane
Fairmont, WV 26554

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At West Virginia Bankers Title, our goal is to provide security for your most valued investments, while offering exceptional customer service and delivering quality title insurance products in an accurate and timely manner.
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