South Central Telehealth Forum 

Day 1 Recap!
Sessions opened with a record number of attendees for the 4 th annual South Central Telehealth Forum being held at the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville.

Presenters and partners from across the country spent the day sharing tools, resources and techniques on how they drive quality health care via telemedicine and mHealth.

In addition to an invitation-only Research Symposium and a Telegenetics Workshop, conference attendees participated in sessions within 3 tracks:
  • Tele-Emergency Measures
  • Clinical, Research and Administrative Development
  • Beginner to Intermediate Fundamentals
The day ended with a networking event that included cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, a photo booth and a sneak peek at the new documentary,
Underserved: Telehealth in America.

The education and excitement continues today with keynote sessions, awards, state meetings and three new program tracks.

Read what attendees had to say about Day 1:


"I saw a live consultation with a patient in Wichita, Kansas. The amount of detail in the assessment was stunning. I realized that I could manage 80% of my daily practice through telemedicine."

Joni Bosch, PhD, ARNP
University of Iowa

Tele-Emergency Measures

"I learned so much that I can take back to my program. For example, we don't have to invest a lot of money to have a telehealth program, and a physician team leader for each program speciality is important. I also learned that integrating a call center into the communications process can make a huge difference. We have been doing telemedicine for eight years, and we work with the emergency response network. We have a complex system. I can't wait to share everything that I've learned at this conference."

Wendy Rasmussen, BSN, Telemedicine Program Coordinator
Louisiana State University Health

Clinical, Research and Administrative Development

"We attended Business Model for Telemedicine: Review of Billing, Reimbursement, Licensure and Credentialing. The session helped us realize how time intensive a licensure and credentialing process can be and the importance of keeping a centralized credentialing packet. We learned the questions that we need to ask, which will help us as we grow our new business."

Monique Upton, MD & Kellye N. Singletary, MD
UPSING Telepsychiatry Services

Beginner to Intermediate Fundamentals

"Telehealth 101 was well done and a nice primer for someone new to telehealth. In addition to breaking down basic definitions, the session was supplemented with case study videos showing how telehealth is being used in the field. The session also provided thoughtful discussion. Telehealth 102 gave me the opportunity to see the equipment and experience the technology.

I work in the field of telepsychiatry, and I teach others about telehealth. In the United States, only 1 in 30,000 has access to a psychiatrist (MD designation), which means there is a shortage of providers. Telehealth is an answer, and many of my colleagues don't even know this solution exists. These sessions provided me with information that I can share as I teach and train others in my field."

Zereana Jess-Huff, Vice President of Behavioral Health
American Well

Thank you for joining us in Nashville! 
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