Engage America Series 
Future of Korea 2017 

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Future of Korea: Applications Due Tomorrow, 2/15

We are pleased to announce continued collaboration with the  Korea Economic Institute of America  on the  Future of Korea  program series. The speaker program focuses on the economic and political situation on the Korean Peninsula as well as U.S.-Korea relations.

All Councils may submit applications; six to eight Councils will be selected to participate. 
About the Program
The centerpiece of the program is a panel discussion consisting of one representative each from the U.S. Department of State, the Korean Embassy, KEI, or other relevant institutions. The panel participants typically offer a general overview presentation (approximately 45-60 minutes in length), followed by a Q&A period. The speakers address political, security, economic and financial issues pertaining to the Korean Peninsula and U.S.-Korea relations. 

Besides the mandatory Future of Korea  panel program, there are usually ancillary activities surrounding the main event. Local Councils can choose from the following options. All four are strongly encouraged, depending on the needs and capacity of the local Council. Ancillary events include:
  • Business meeting, such as with the local chamber of commerce
  • Student meeting, such as a university/high school forum
  • Community leader meeting, such as a meeting with local political/business leaders
  • Media meeting, such as an interview with local media outlets or editorial board
The Future of Korea program  will be conducted through December 2017. Interested Councils are as ked to include several preferred dates or date ranges in their proposals. Exact dates will be determi n ed in collaboration with the Korea Economic Institute.

Costs and Stipends 
KEI will directly cover the costs of airfare and hotel as well as some meals for panelists and other KEI participants (other than the meals at the programs).

This year, through the generous support of KEI, WACA will provide $2000 to each Council selected to participate in the program to help defray event expenses.

Councils are required to coordinate and cover the costs of the  ground transportation for speakers as well as costs directly related to the events, including food, publicity, facilities, audio-visual equipment, etc.

To Apply
Councils interested in hosting need to send a completed Application Form to Tori Baskind at  [email protected]  by  Tomorrow,  February 15, 2017.

The World Affairs Councils of America 

1200 18th St., NW, Suite 902, Washington, DC 20036

Phone (202) 833-4557  Fax (202) 833-4555

Email [email protected] Website www.worldaffairscouncils.org