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November 30, 2016
Workplace Challenges

Rethinking how communications 
and training  fit into the puzzle

The impact of globalization, pace of technology, high turnover, reorganization, and social media are just a few examples of the many challenges facing organizations and the workplace. Deadlines, staff shortages, and budgets are all common restraints.

As technical writers, trainers, and business analysts, how can we become part of the solution instead of the struggle? How do we implement strategies that help our end users, customers, management, and business partners? How do we ensure that the products and services we perform are implemented, evaluated and improved?
When subject matter experts are stretched thin, and content needs to be created quickly, we need to rethink our strategies for creating relevant training programs and documentation. Our old development models need to be updated to meet our client/customer's demands.  We need to be able to produce, deliver and implement, despite the challenges of our business partners. In essence, we need to become consultants instead of simply resources. Let's be knowledgeable of tools, trends, and solutions and be able to showcase options.

In the past, our development cycle involved carefully planning and obtaining direction, taxing subject matter experts, and delaying implementation of user manuals or training programs until content was perfect. We then simply moved on to the next project.

No longer! Let's be true business partners and offer updated solutions, ensure quality products are implemented quickly but are continually tested and revisited to ensure that they are useful, viable and sustainable in the rapidly changing workplace.

Puzzle for a Prize

Complete the following puzzle and email it back to us at The first two individuals will be sent our RoboHelp Training Workbook free of charge ($50.00 value). This comprehensive manual can be used as a self-study guide for the new user or as a boost for the existing user. Everything you have ever wanted to know about RoboHelp 2015 by Adobe Systems is included in this workbook - including strategies for implementation, marketing, publishing and more!

Issue: 59

In This Issue
Mark your calendars
for the following upcoming conferences:


Las Vegas, NV
March 28-30, 2017
Content strategy event for marketing and communications professionals. Learn how to scale content, leverage the technology, repurpose and reuse content, and deliver to the right person at the right time regardless of the device.

Washington, DC
May 7-10, 2017
Provides technical communications professionals with insight into future trends of the profession through education sessions and networking.

Writers UA/Conveyux
February 28 - March 2, 2017
A collegial series of gatherings for software user assistance professionals.

Las Vegas, NV
January 11-13, 2017
Learn the latest innovations and industry trends to transform your training programs into technology-enabled talent development instruments.

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 A Certified WBE - Women Owned Business Enterprise