March, 2017
Sleep Disorders and Problems
Symptoms, Treatment, and Self-Help for Common Sleeping Problems

Many of us experience trouble sleeping at one time or another. Usually it's due to stress, travel, illness, or other temporary interruptions to your normal routine. But if sleep problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with your daily life, you may be suffering from a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders cause more than just daytime sleepiness. They can take a serious toll on your mental and physical health, leading to memory problems, high blood pressure, weight gain, and impacting your immune system, heart health, energy levels, and mood. But you don't have to live with a sleeping problem. There are many things you can do to help yourself get a good night's sleep and improve your overall health.
here for more information!

Smoking and Tobacco Use
Quitting Smoking

T obacco use can lead to tobacco/nicotine dependence and serious health problems. Quitting smoking greatly reduces the risk of developing smoking-related diseases.

Tobacco/nicotine dependence is a condition that often requires repeated treatments, but there are helpful treatments and resources for quitting. Smokers can and do quit smoking.  In fact,  
today there are more former smokers than current smokers. To learn more about nicotine dependence, the health benefits of quitting, examples of smoker's attempts to quit, ways to quit smoking, helpful resources and many references, click here.

  Sun Exposure, Vitamin D - and Now Death?

The sun/vit amin D controversy continues: In a recent study in the Journal of Internal Medicine, investigators looked at mortality rates of women in Sweden and their sun exposure over a 20-year period, and their findings suggested that women who avoided sun exposure were twice as likely to die compared to those who had sun exposure.
The premise here is that those women who avoided sun had lower vitamin D levels (this is speculation, not fact), and based on epidemiological evidence that links cardiovascular disease and early death among people with low levels of vitamin D, as well as the studies showing that low vitamin D levels have been linked to more aggressive and fatal melanomas, the authors posited that  "following sun exposure advice that is very restrictive in countries with low solar intensity might in fact be harmful to women's health." Click here to read more. 
We hope you've enjoyed this issue of t he Bucks & Montgomery County Health & Wellness Newsletter. We welcome any comments, suggestions or ideas! Please click the orange button to send your comments, suggestions or to be added to our subscribers list.

J oAnn Perotti 
Director of Strategic Services
Nancy Bracken
Executive Assistant
Bucks County Intermediate Unit