Committee Corner
As the new show year officially gets started, we invite you to visit the USHJA website and learn about USHJA's updated and new competitive championships and incentives, special classes and sections, and educational programs. The Zone 10 eNews will be featuring these programs, including descriptions, program deadlines, and website links throughout the year so be sure to keep an eye out! The new year is already off to a great start with Zone 10 member Larry Langer earning the USEF Lifetime Achievement Award and several Zone 10 up-and-coming riders participating in the USEF George H. Morris Horsemastership Training Session. You can read more about them in this and next month's editions, and stay tuned for a tribute to Larry in next month's edition.
Congratulations to all, and we can't wait to see what our Zone 10 members have in store for the rest of the year!
Kathy Hobstetter
Chair, Zone 10 Committee
Ned Glynn
Vice Chair, Zone 10 Committee

George H. Morris Horsemastership Training Session an Amazing Opportunity for Zone 10 Members
Halie Robinson riding in the 2017 George H. Morris Horsemastership Training Session. Photo credit: Amy Dragoo.
The New Year kicked off with the 11th Annual USEF George Morris Horsemastership Training Session (January 3-7) in Wellington, Florida. 

For Zone 10 riders Gracie Marlowe (Debi Marlowe and Acres West, trainers), Emma Marlowe (Debi Marlowe and Acres West, trainers), Michael Williamson (Patty Ball & Don Stewart, trainers), and Halie Robinson (Elvenstar Farms, trainer), it was an amazing opportunity to learn horsemanship, barn management, and riding from some of the best in the business.
"You learn so much invaluable information in just five days; it really is a once in a lifetime opportunity," Emma shared. "I think it's really important for young riders to see all the work that goes on behind the scenes."  

Emma's sister, Gracie, agreed enthusiastically, "It's such a spectacular opportunity for young, upcoming riders. The chance to receive instruction and ride with some of the best Olympians in the world is amazing." 

Meet Your New Zone 10 Committee Members
This month, we continue to meet a few of our Zone 10 Committee members, who represent a wide variety of experience across all disciplines. Be sure to check back next month as we meet the rest of the committee members!

New  Zone 10 
Committee Members

Chair Kathy Hobstetter
Vice Chair Ned Glynn
Treasurer Denise Finch
Vanessa Bartsch
Michael Curtis
Katie Gardner
Jen Lampton
Kelly Maddox
Jenni McAllister
Kelly McKnight
Hunter Messineo
Lynn Mullins
James Waldman
Stephanie Wheeler
Hunter Messineo has spent more than 15 years in equestrian sports marketing and advertising. She has been a member of Practical Horseman's advertising sales team and an associate publisher of USHJA In Stride magazine, among many other jobs. She currently works as the Director of Advertising & Social Media for Connie Sawyer, LLC, which represents several high end clients including the Federation Equestrian International, Longines FEI World Cup Jumping North American League, Global Equestrian Services, and John Madden Sales.
Lynn Mullins is the owner and head trainer at Meadow View Farms, based in Reno, Nevada. In addition to running the show barn and teaching her students; she also travels throughout the year officiating shows as an "R" judge.
James Waldman has been a member of the hunter/jumper community in San Diego since the 1970s. James helped found the Greater San Diego Hunter Jumper Association, where he serves as Vice President. He is currently the owner and head trainer at Quail Haven Farm and is a well-known clinician.
Zone HOTY, Stirrup Cup and Equitation Championships Locations Announced!
Dates and locations for 2017 Zone HOTY, Stirrup Cup, Medal Challenge and Equitation championships have been announced

Date Championship Location
Aug. 8-13 Horse of the Year Hunter Championship Menlo Charity Horse Show, Atherton, Calif. 
Aug. 31-Sept. 3 Stirrup Cup Championship Gold Coast Labor Day, Burbank, Calif. 
Sept. 20-24 Horse of the Year Jumper  and Age Group Equitation North Championship Sonoma Horse Park Season Finale, Petaluma, Calif. 
Oct. 5-8 Medal Challenge North Let's Show Fall Festival, Elk Grove, Calif. 
Oct. 19-22 Medal Challenge South Gold Coast October, Burbank, Calif. 
Nov. 7-12 Horse of the Year Jumper and Age Group Equitation South Championship National Sunshine Series II, Thermal, Calif. 

Click here for more information about Zone 10 HOTY and Stirrup Cup Championships.
Congratulations Year-End Award Winners!
Congratulations to our Zone 10 HOTY and Stirrup Cup Award Champions for the 2016 competition year! We will be featuring HOTY and Stirrup Cup Award winners throughout the year as part of our Zone 10 Rider Photo Highlight. For the full list of standings and champions, click through on the links below.

*Be sure to select "2016" from the drop down menu.
Grant Money Will be Available to Members!
Grants  - Word on Folder Register of Card Index. Selective Focus. Catalog Concept.
Zone 10 will have grants available this year for members who are interested in participating in various USHJA Programs this year. Stay tuned for more information and how to apply for these grants in next month's eNews update! 

NAJYRC Selection Trials Announced
The Zone 10 NAJYRC Selection Trials are just around the corner! The selection trials decide the Zone 10 teams for the FEI North American Junior and Young Rider Championships, which will be held July 18-23 at HITS on the Hudson in Saugerties, New York. Here are the dates and locations of the trials:

Date Show Location
March 14-19 Desert Circuit VIII HITS Desert Horse Park
May 2-7 Del Mar National Horse Show Del Mar Fairgrounds
May 17-21 HMI Equestrian Challenge Sonoma Horse Park
June 7-11

Blenheim EquiSports

San Juan Capistrano

Click here for the Zone 10 Selection Trials Application.
Register for the 2017 Horsemanship Quiz Challenge
How does your horsemanship knowledge measure up? Find out by participating in the 2017 Horsemanship Quiz Challenge,  presented by The Plaid Horse

Registration opens February 1! Register and take the online quizzes for a chance to compete at the HQC Nationals and win great prizes!   

Click here for more information. Register here
New Rules for the Competition Year
It's a new show year, so be sure to keep up to date with rule changes that went into effect this year!  For a list of changes effective for the 2017 competition year, check out this simple overview of rule changes effective during the 2017 competition yearThey include changes to the US Hunter Seat Medal and ASPCA Maclay class limits, changes in nomenclature for the Green Hunter sections, and more.
For the full USEF Rulebook, click here
Upcoming Events
Don't miss out on exciting upcoming USHJA programs, events and opportunities: 

Date Event Additional Information
Feb. 1 Last day to enroll for $350 in the:
  • International Hunter Derby Program
  • Green Hunter Incentive Program for horses competing at 3'0" or 3'3"

Click to enroll in the International Hunter Derby

Click to enroll in the Green Hunter Incentive Program for horses competing at 3'0" or 3'3"
Feb. 1 Registration opens for Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Click for more info
March 20 Jumper Judges' Clinic, San Juan Capistrano, Calif. 
DoubleTree Suites Doheny Beach
Click for more info
March 20-21 Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation Judges' Clinic
San Juan Capistrano, Calif., DoubleTree Suites Doheny Beach
Click for more info
April 1 Last day to apply for the USHJA Foundation Gochman Family Grant for 2017 US Pony Finals Click for more info
April 30 Last day to apply for the 2017 USHJA Foundation Hamel Scholarship for Further Education.
Click for more info
May 1 Deadline to apply for: 
  • Zone Jumper Team Championships 
  • Children's and Adult Amateur Hunter Regional Championships
Applications will open soon.

Click for more about Zones 9 & 10 Jumper Team Championships

Click for more about Children's and Adult Amateur Hunter West Regional Championships
Sponsors and Partners
The USHJA would like to thank the following sponsors and partners for their support of our many programs and endeavors. For more information, click the sponsor logo(s) below.

Official USHJA Sponsors

Additional USHJA Sponsors & Partners
United States Hunter Jumper Association 
3870 Cigar Lane
Lexington, KY 40511
P: 859.225.6700 
F: 859.258.9033