Happy 2017! What are your Green resolutions?
Greening the OR
The Coalition's Green Health Leaders Institute wants to hear about how Canadian hospitals are making their operating rooms more sustainable. Please share your facility's OR initiatives on energy conservation, waste reduction and diversion, using safer chemicals (such as UV light and ozonated water), fan system controls, anaesthetic gas recovery, etc. to help inform discussion papers, case studies, and a chance to be featured in the Green Digest.
Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS) Lite for Small, Northern, and Rural Hospitals. The Coalition is pleased to announce the development of the GHS Lite to address the unique challenges of and improve the GHS experience for small, northern, and rural facilities. To participate in the GHS Lite, please contact

A reminder to anyone wishing to participate in either the Lite or Classic GHS, the deadline for data submission is Friday February 3, 2017. Check out for more information or contact Samantha. Also check out our recent appearance in NRCan's Heads Up Newsletter: Hospitals Get on board with the Green Hospital Scorecard.
Oakville’s Hospital Gets Gold for Going Green. Halton Healthcare recently announced Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) attained the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) gold certification for new construction with the Canada Green Building Council. Certification is given to buildings that maintain a healthy indoor environment, operate with reduced greenhouse gas emissions and use energy efficiently. The new 1.6-million-square-foot Oakville hospital facility, which opened on Dec. 13, 2015, achieved gold certification after earning 39 credits in the green building rating system.  Read more.
Moving Forward with Amendments to the Energy Efficiency Regulations. Amendment 13 to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations has been published in the Canada Gazette, Part II. This is a significant milestone for Natural Resources Canada’s continued work under its Forward Regulatory Plan 2016-18. The Energy Efficiency Regulations, 2016  have been published, along with a Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement. These regulations come into force on June 28, 2017; six months after publication. Stakeholders are encouraged to visit the Canada Gazette or Natural Resources Canada’s website for more information.

Ontario Public Institutions and On-site Food Production: Visualizing the Future of Health Care - Report Now Available! For three years, the Coalition has been a partner to Project SOIL in using case studies, pilot projects, and vision sessions to investigate the viability of on-site food production at public institutions through collaborative arrangements with local food producers. Project SOIL's latest report  establishes a baseline of preconditions, useful practices, potential barriers and positive adaptations for a diverse set of institutional and community settings. As a result, the report will help project leads to envision how their idea would come to fruition, identify what has worked in a situation similar to their own, and build new collaborative partnerships that harness food's synergistic power.
How Hospitals, Recyclers Can Make Recycling Health Care Plastics Economically Viable. Plastics used in the healthcare industry — more than 10 billion pounds annually — are traditionally single-use, and tossed in the trash after being used. Globally, only 14% of plastic packaging is collected for recycling. To address low recycling rates and increase the amount of healthcare plastics managed in a circular economy approach, the Healthcare Plastics Recycling Council and the Plastics Industry Association launched a multi-hospital plastics recycling project in the Chicago area. Read More.
In One of the Nation’s Unhealthiest Places, this Hospital Prescribes Fresh Food From its Own Farm. Five years ago, when Lankenau Medical Center was confronted with evidence that it was serving the unhealthiest county in Pennsylvania, the hospital decided to embrace the findings with an unconventional approach: building a half-acre organic farm on its campus to provide fresh produce to patients. Read more.
Australian Hospitals Feel the Heat. 
The majority of Southeastern Australia hospitals were not designed with weather risks in mind, and many facilities in the region are currently feeling the impact of extreme heat. While healthcare providers are coping with the impact of the weather events, the buildings they work in and the infrastructure that supports them often constrain their ability to respond. Power outages and sick people waiting hours for beds have been reported. Read the article.

Call for Nominations: Green Hospital of the Month Award
With funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada - EcoAction Community Funding Program, the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is pleased to announce recognition of a Green Hospital of the Month starting January 2017. This award will be open to both hospitals and Long Term Care facilities, and will recognize initiatives that reduce the use of toxic chemicals in health care.

Nominations are currently being accepted! If you know of an organisation or facility that is doing it's part to reduce the use of toxic chemicals, tell us about it
Call For Submissions

Hospital News is is currently accepting submissions for their annual Green issue! Articles should describe any initiatives implemented by hospitals on greening healthcare, decreasing carbon footprint etc. and be 750 words in length.

The deadline for submission is January 17th. If you are interested in submitting an article please contact Kristie Jones at

Canadian Energy Efficiency Distinction Points Available for Dollars to $ense Participants

Have you previously attended a Dollars to $ense workshop? If so, you could be eligible to be awarded two Canadian Sustainable Energy Practitioner (CSEP) Distinction points for each one-day workshop attended.

The Canadian Institute for Energy Training (CIET) offers the distinction to recognize Canadian sustainable-energy leader achievements, awarding points for each training course attended and completed. Once achieved, recipients are listed in CIET's CSEP Who's Who database, which aims to display records of the relevant training completed. More than 2000 professionals are currently listed in the database, which can be used to look for energy professionals in your province or territory or to validate credentials.

To claim your points, fill in the application form (you’ll need to upload scans of your attendance certificates in JPEG or Adobe PDF format):

Online GreenScreen Introductory Course

Learn how companies like HP Inc., certifications systems like US Green Building Council's LEED Standard, and government organizations such as Washington State are using GreenScreen to innovate towards safer chemicals and create market efficiency in global supply chains.

This online course can be taken from anywhere, at your own pace, and includes six modules ranging from an overview of chemical hazard assessment to using GreenScreen to select safer chemicals in products.

This course is ideal for professional working with companies on the journey to safer products, seeking to understand the hazards of chemicals in products and supply chains, and practicing in the apparel, building, and electronics sectors

For a limited time, students who preview the first module can receive the complete course for FREE! Sign up here.
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