We Need 80-20 PAC Now More Than Ever

1.    The 2016 election has shown that as Asian Americans, we must come together to protect ourselves against Xenophobia and Discrimination.

2.    80-20 PAC went into two years of retrenchment before the election, where we reduced our activity and re-organized in order to come out stronger. Many members might have forgotten to renew their membership when the PAC became active again in time for the 2016 election. Hence, our membership numbers are down right now.

3. We now have a new leadship team in place, and we need more of you to join the PAC so that we can fight the discrimination against us, whether it is the higher standard required of our children to enter top colleges, the lower glass ceiling against us in the work place, or bigotry in some biased news media reporting.
PLEASE visit our website to see if your membership is up-to-date, and if not, please go to our join/renew page to pay your dues. PLEASE also ask your friends or relatives to join 80-20 PAC during all the parties you will attend in the coming week to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Together, we shall prosper!

Yin-Long (YQ) Qiu
Co-Coordinator and V.P. in Charge of Chapters
Kathleen To
Co-Coordinator and Secretary
Jing-Li Yu