Spring CELT Programs 
Hold the Dates

Weeks of February 27 &
March 6, 2017

March 20 - 23, 2017

April 7
8:30 - 1:00

Fostering Active & Collaborative Learning Environments: From Design to Assessment
Boston Campus 
May 22 & 23, 2017 

Inclusive Excellence Workshops 
Medford Campus
December 16th Teaching Symposium

Difficult Conversations, Free Speech and Intentional Spaces

T heater, Teaching AND Lunch!

Does it get any better than that? Join your colleagues and CELT for a morning of interactive, applied theater and conversation about difficult conversations, free speech and intentional spaces. Come explore these topics and engage creatively in developing possible strategies for handling them well in your classroom! For more, click here.

Friday, December 16th, 2016
9:00 - 11:30 theater and interaction; 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch and conversation

Tufts Faculty Spotlight: Deborah Donahue-Keegan

The Benefits of Mindfulness in the Classroom (especially during stressful times)

The end of a semester is always stressful. As faculty, many of us feel a mix of relief and some grief as we wind down our courses, bring closure to classes with students we've come to know, and anticipate an intense round of end-of-semester assessments...  The end of the Fall 2016 semester is extraordinarily stressful because of the intensely polarized, emotionally-laden post-election landscape. In this post, I offer ideas from my own experience for why and how contemplative practices can help. For more, click here.

Professor Donahue-Keegan teaches in the Department of Education, in Tufts School of Arts and Sciences

Timely Tips

Getting the Most out of Tests 

Do you get frustrated by students asking "Will this be on the test?" Are you sometimes surprised by student performance on your exams? Would you like to learn a few tips for how to engage students in forming habits that solidify learning from exams?
This recent blog post  summarizes a conversation with faculty in the Tufts Large Lecture Consortium about some test strategies you might find helpful!

And read this related Tufts Now Post about Professor Ayanna Thomas' research: Practice Testing Protects Memory Against Stress.

Difficult Conversations

Post election (and always) many faculty are anxious about how to productively facilitate discussions on challenging topics. This resource from the University of Michigan may be useful to you! 
Opportunities and Resources

Tufts Innovates Grant Applications from the Office of the Provost are being accepted until Friday, January 13th. This s eed grant program seeks to spark imaginative ideas to enhance learning and teaching.

See what TTS is offering faculty for support using technology during the next few weeks! 

Teaching at Tufts is a website curated by CELT and ETS with regular blog posts and about teaching and learning, and other resources for faculty.

Faculty Focus
is a free newsletter that comes via email each week, and is full of great ideas for teaching.

Tomorrow's Professor is another free teaching and professional development resource for faculty, published by Stanford University.

The Ideal of the Common: The Importance of Perspective and Diversity in Students' Intellectual Development

This post is a synopsis of L. Lee Knefelcamp's keynote address from the Tufts spring Teaching Conference

by Sarah Rose Cavanaugh, Associate Professor of Psychology in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

When Presidents Talk Politics by Rick Selzer, in Inside Higher Ed. " Campus leaders face intense scrutiny for what they say or don't say in this tense period. Some messages that go over well on campus receive considerable criticism as they spread."  Click here to read Tufts President Anthony Monaco's recent response.