Running a business is tough, but it's easier with a partner.
Newsletter                                   February 2017
Drug Testing Policies and the New OSHA Rules?

2016 brought about new post-accident drug testing regulations by the US Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA).  One of the goals of the rule is to promote, "accurate recording of work-related injuries and illnesses by preventing the under-recording that arises when workers are discouraged from reporting these occurrences."  The intent is not to ban post-accident testing, but to strike a balance that uses policies to "limit post-incident testing to situations in which employee drug use is likely to have contributed to the incident, and for which the drug test can accurately identify impairment caused by drug use."

February HR Checklist

Review Employee Handbook:
Now is a great time to review your employee handbook and make any necessary  changes to polices and procedures to assist with compliance.

Streamline and Improve HR processes:
Set a goal to focus on leveraging technology, reducing rework, benefit enrollment processes, electronic on-boarding, to name a few.  At HR Partners, we have the technology to assist you with each of these areas.

Make sure you are using the new I-9 form:
All employers were required to use the new form starting January 22, 2017. 

Prioritize Professional Development and Leadership Training:
Make 2017 the year to focus on helping your managers be better leaders and make sure they are properly trained in areas of compliance and interviewing. At HR Partners, our training experts deliver comprehensive programs on specific issues such as sexual harassment, interviewing skills, equal employment opportunity, employee benefits and compensation, FMLA and more.  We would love to assist you with training classes this year.

HR Partners | f[email protected] | 770-248-0401 |