United States Interagency 
 Council on Homelessness          
August 1, 2016 
Your Commitment Makes Historic Reduction in Veteran Homelessness Possible

Thanks to your unwavering commitment and partnership at the federal, state, and local levels, we've reduced Veteran homelessness by 47% in this country since 2010. That's a 17% reduction in the past year alone.

Through the annual Point-in-Time (PIT) counts you performed earlier this year, communities across the country reported that fewer than 40,000 Veterans were experiencing homelessness on a given night in January 2016, and that just over 13,000 Veterans were unsheltered, a 56% decrease since 2010.

In announcing the reduction today at the Disabled American Veterans National Convention in Atlanta, President Obama said: "We've helped bring tens of thousands of Veterans off the streets. But we're not slowing down. We are going to keep up the momentum. We will not stop until every Veteran who fought for America has a home in America. This is something we've got to get done."
Here are some resources to help you accelerate your efforts toward the goal: