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 July 2014
In This Issue
Labor Scheduler
Other 3.3 Features
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Version 3.3 is out and we're going a bit further in depth on the revised time clock and labor scheduler functionality.
Labor Scheduler




Above, you can see a sample screenshot of the new labor scheduler.  This screen allows you to quickly see which cashiers are scheduled each day, and their totals for the week.  You can define the day of week that your period starts and ends on.


The detailed view, on the other hand, can be seen below:



This view allows you to see which employees are working when, and allows you to add, edit, and delete the shifts that you have planned. 



Finally, the new time clock display, shown above, will allow you to easily see who is clocked in and out of the system, as well as with an administrative login modify shift history. 

Other Updates


There are other features and updates available within 3.3.0.


First, the new wish list feature allows for people to set up a list of items they would like to receive, and for you to print that list out on demand.  Useful for Christmas and birthdays, this is accessible from the customer management (F3) screen under the Expanded tab.


Additionally, Special Orders have been added for used products.  If you have stock prompt enabled and attempt to sell an out of stock used item, you'll have the option to special order it, the same as a new product.


A permission has been added to lock down adjusting a customer's bonus points balance while still allowing for generally editing the customer at large.


A couple of new search options are available:  First, within inventory, under advanced search you can now search for solely items that are out of stock.  Second, on the customer lookup screen if you are searching by name in addition to searching only by last name you can also search by full name in the formats of either last, first or first last.


Finally, we've added the ability to permanently delete promotions, as well as the ability to rapidly select all or no departments or categories for a department/category promotion.

Version 3.3.0 is currently available to supported users.

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Jeremy Spencer
Support Manager
Extreme Point Of Sale Inc
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