Monserate Winery est. 2017
We have a winner! The new name is Monserate Winery! 

We never imagined the incredible response to the "Name the Winery" contest, almost 1400 submissions! 

Jade and Julie Work were thrilled by your enthusiasm and faced a daunting task choosing that just-right name for the new winery.  But  Monserate Winery, named after the Rancho Monserate  land grant of 1846  and Monserate Hill to the south of the property, was just perfect. 

Blair Cooke Davey was the first to suggest Monserate Winery. Congratulations to Blair! We love the new name! 

The Cooke family originally developed this agricultural land into a golf course back in the 1960s so it seems so very right for Blair to be the one to come up with the winery's new name. And how  wonderful it is that the Work family is now transforming the land into another treasure in our community.

The construction of the vineyard's trellis system with Monserate Hill to the south, February 12, 2017.

We are all witnessing lots of changes at Monserate Winery. During the month of January, Jade and his crew prepared the land for planting and more  sycamores were brought in, creating groves around the property. Olive trees will be added for the future pressing of olive oil. 

Then the crew began laying out the trellis system in February, t he vines have been special ordered and will soon be delivered. 
It is very exciting to watch as the vision of the vineyard emerges...and it also heralds the imminent planting of the grape vines sometime in April.

Congratulations, Blair, for coming up with such a wonderful name: Monserate Winery!

Alla tua salute!

The Steering Committee

  • Visit our website, urge your friends to sign up for our emails. 
  • Donate to help with expenses and/or support a nonprofit forming in 2017. 
  • Attend a meeting when you see the time and place announced. 
  • Add your comments to the new articles about the property. Keep the discussion going!

Gird Valley painting, courtesy of Mijoa Rho.
A BIG THANK YOU to Jade and Julie Work for saving Gird Valley from development and to Fallbrook for supporting them and the property's transformation into Monserate Winery!