September 17, 2016 |

Dear U.S. Law Shield Facility Partner,
We value the service you provide to all citizens who take on the responsibility to lawfully carry a firearm. Your commitment to teaching is vital to arming folks with the self-defense skills and base layer of knowledge they need to legally defend themselves.
We truly appreciate what you do for our communities and would like to give back by inviting you to a U.S. Law Shield Instructors Seminar -- a gun law workshop designed specifically for professionals in the firearms industry. This comprehensive course is taught by experienced attorneys who defend the rights of law-abiding gun owners like our members every day. By attending, you will also receive valuable educational materials that you can share with your customers and students.
Plus, you will also receive:
  • A Reciprocity poster
  • A "Where Can I Legally Carry" poster
  • A Use of Force booklet-an easy reference guide covering the laws of self-defense and the use of deadly force
Normally, a course of this caliber would cost hundreds of dollars, but we are making at available to you for only $90. Register TODAY using promo code EARLYBIRD and attend for FREE. Seat are limited, so register today by clicking  here.  If you have any questions, please contact us at 877.448.6839, via the Events Department.
Be sure to check out our U.S. Law Shield social-media outlets for legal tips, analysis, gun safety and use tips, and the wisdom of other U.S. Law Shield members who live and love the "carry" lifestyle. We're on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, and we host our own Texas and U.S. Law Shield Forums. Come join the crew!