September 17, 2016 |

Join Us for a Free Legal Workshop
Dear Instructor,

We want to say thank you by inviting you to be our guest at a special legal workshop for firearms professionals.

We value the service you provide to all citizens who are responsible firearms owners. Your commitment to teaching is vital to protecting the Second Amendment! Because we truly appreciate what you do, we are offering you a FREE scholarship to attend this event on October 4th, in Loveland.

This is a special edition of our Gun Law Seminar, designed specifically for firearms professionals. If you teach, instruct, train, or work in the firearms industry, we want to equip you with the critical knowledge every gun owner needs to know so you can, in turn, pass it on to your students. The workshop will be taught by licensed attorneys that defend law-abiding gun owners who have been caught up in the legal system, even though they did nothing wrong.

Our experience as the largest firearms legal defense program in the nation has taught us that most gun owners only train to survive the fight, but do not train or prepare for the legal aftermath. We want to change that thought process. Our goal is to provide responsible gun owners with the critical knowledge they need, so in the event they are forced to defend themselves, they know how to navigate the legal system. We host workshops and seminars across the country with this goal in mind: To separate legal fact from fiction by arming gun owners with knowledge.

As a partner and patron in protecting our Second Amendment rights, we hope to bring a unique and valuable opportunity at no cost to you!

Attendees will also receive valuable educational materials that you can share with your customers and students:
  • 360+ page Gun Laws Book
  • Informational Posters: "Reciprocity" and "Where Can I Carry?"
  • Use of Force Booklet - A quick easy reference guide to where you can legally use deadly force.
Seats are limited, so click to register here TODAY! Use promo code 2APROUD to apply the scholarship. If you have any questions please contact us at 877.448.6839, via the Events Department.

Colorado Gun Law: Armed And Educated is now available as a download onto your digital device -- so you can carry it everywhere! Click the book cover to see the Kindle Edition order page on

National Firearms Act Program