January 21, 2016 22 Tevet 5777

Parashat Shemot

Candle Lighting 5:30 p.m.
Para sha t Shemot
This Shabbat we begin reading the second book in the Torah, Shemot. The Hebrew word for the book of Exodus means names. Surprisingly, the opening verses are devoid of names of any living people. The only names mentioned are those of the twelve tribes who had all passed away in Egypt by this point in time. Even Bnei Yisrael is described as a giant, amorphous, growing and swarming mass of humanity, a nameless and faceless reproductive machine. It is not until verse 15 that two individuals are named, the Hebrew midwives Shifra and Puah. When Pharaoh asks these two women to kill baby boys born to Israelite mothers, they refuse. By taking action, Shifra and Puah earn having their names recorded in the Torah. They stood up to tyranny and injustice and made names for themselves.
This past week our Akiba students commemorated Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. They explored what it means to stand up for one's rights and to have an impact on the world-- and what it means to make a name and have a voice. 

Shabbat Shalom,

  • 2017-18 RE-ENROLLMENTRe-enroll by Feb. 13 for a space guarantee and to save on the re-enrollment fee. After Feb. 13, the fee increases to $550 and space cannot be guaranteed. Access the enrollment contract via My BackPack HEREOnce you login to the Parent Portal, click on "Enrollment/Re-Enrollment." For assistance, contact Julie Perigard at or 972-855-8543.
  • Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., Board Room: Join Rabbi Rackovsky for "Pathways in the Parasha."
  • Jan. 30, 7 p.m.: It's a Girl Thing 
  • 2:45 p.m. Friday dismissal through March 4. Beginning this Friday, aftercare closes at 4 p.m.


Mazel Tov to Ari Blumberg, who began laying tefilin this week. This marks 30 days before he becomes a bar mitzvah.

Mazel Tov to Dena and Simon Englander and big sister, Akiba kid Adira, on the birth of a new baby girl.  

Mazel Tov to Ben Rael, who celebrates his bar mitzvah this week. 


First grade learned the Hebrew word for ice cream, gleeda. The students loved their visit from an ice cream truck while they practiced their Hebrew .  

First grade culminated their study of "The Three Billy Goat's Gru ff" by visiting Nitzanim classes. The first graders loved teaching the Early Childhood Program students about the fairy tale through puppet shows. Not only did the students get to read to their buddies (and in some cases, their own siblings), but they also included the younger children in operating the puppets.   


From kindergarten to 4th grade, our artists were busy this week.



Eighth grade is working hard to create Akiba's yearbook as a graduation project. To raise money for the project, the grade is selling ads to recognize students, teachers, administrators and this year's yearbook honorees (Adina Richman and Jennifer Squires). 

Quarter page - $50 
Half page - $100 
Full page - $200 
To create an ad, visit:  HERE. Or, the yearbook team is available to create ads . Just e mail a Word document of your ad, along with JPEG photos to Please send payment to  Akiba Academy with "Yearbook Ad" in the memo section. 
For more information, contact


The first stop for middle schoolers was the civil rights museum at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center. Then the group headed to Midtown Pizza and to see the movie "Hidden Figures" to cap off a day of learning and reflection.


Teenoki Alef students were full of fascination with the ooey gooey "oobleck" (mixture of corn starch and water) that they had the opportunity to play with this week. This science experience was awesome!


Morah Naomi and Morah Shoshi's Nitzanim class had special visitors this week. Hilary Stern brought over her first graders to tell the children the story of "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."  Afterward, the Nitzanimers prepared a Thank You note and delivered the note to their first grade friends. It felt as good to give as it did to receive!

Morah Marni and Morah Marcela set out a new activity this week to encourage the children's early math skills. Using colored containers with colored buttons the children were able to sort by color, size and shape. The children were working on fine motor skills as they opened and closed the containers and placed the buttons through the slit in the container.  Social skills were developing as the children interacted, shared, passed and took turns with the containers. One activity = so many learning opportunities! 

To continue to support our Nitzanim students' literacy development, Morah Sarah and Morah Gracie have added a sign in board to the children's morning routine. They can either write their name out or trace the name already written down by the morah. The children have been doing so well with signing in so their morahs also gave the kids their own clipboards to further incorporate writing and proper pencil grip into the classroom environment. Literacy work can be so much fun!

Chaverim learned about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He taught us the very special value of  betzelem elokim, we are all made in Hashem's image. The students recognized from Dr. King that we should all be treated the same no matter how we look, no matter if we are a boy or girl, or if our skin is a different color than our neighbors. In the Art Studio, the students further explored this concept by mixing paint to make their own unique skin tone. They painted their self-portraits to reflect their individuality.

  Here is a LINK to our new special events page on the website!

Be a hero to your kids and to Akiba!
The grade with the highest parent participation in the Akiba Fund
by the end of January wins a Cafe Fino PIZZA PARTY in February!
Your gift supports the people and the programs that make Akiba so special.
So donate now...your pizza-loving kids will thank you.


Hot Lunch
Please consider signing up to serve hot lunch! It's always fun and you get a free lunch that day. You can sign up HERE.

Friday challah helpers needed! Come at 8 a.m. to pass out challah, and you get a free one to take home! Please email if you'd like to volunteer.