Religious Education News
Unitarian Universalist Church of Canton

RE Mission

Our religious education program works
to create an accepting environment that empowers children and youth to explore their spirituality, celebrate diversity, and live our Unitarian Universalist values.
Family Ministry

We believe that families play a vital role in furthering this empowerment to explore and live our UU values. We are excited to support our families by offering ideas from the UUA's Tapestry of Faith program as well as graces and thought provoking questions related to the topics introduced during Sunday religious education classes. We hope you find this new initiative enjoyable and spiritually fulfilling for your whole family.

In RE Next Week
Our children and youth will be hearing a story about butterflies, exploring race and identity, shopping for bake sale supplies, looking a the meaning of leadership and more. 
RE Committee
Wil Rivers, Chair 
Todd Moe, Council Liaison 
David Bradford
Arthur Freeheart
Sally Hoose
Esther Katz
Rhonda Rodriguez
Anna Sorensen
Jenn Whittaker 
For the Week of February 5, 2017
A Table Grace:
In this plate of food, I see the entire universe supporting my existence.
- Zen blessing from Thich Nhat Hanh
A Chalice Lighting:
Love is the aspiration, the spirit that moves and inspires this faith we share. Rightly understood, love can nurture our spirits and transform the world.  May the flame of this chalice honor and embody the power and the blessing of the love we need, the love we give, the love we are challenged always to remember and to share. By Maureen Killoran
Spirit Play heard the story "I Love You Sun, I Love You Moon" by Karen Pandell, a story about loving and valuing the earth and all living things.
Family Discussion -
During a shared meal, consider pondering the following question - How does it feel to say "I Love You" and when do you use these words?
A Family Ritual - Family Love Notes: Invite everyone to use sticky notes to write notes of love to other family members. Put the notes on the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, or a door. Find creative places to leave unsigned love notes for others every day.  
Our Caring Community
looking at themselves and their families and how that shape their identity.
Family Activity - Consider creating your family tree.  Use this template as inspiration.  
Family Discussion - At a shared meal, have an adult or an older youth present a fact about a Unitarian Universalist ancestor. Then, invite everyone to chime in with their observations about how this ancestor's life has or might affect their own.
Maker Space began making plans to raise money for homeless families in our area.  They will be hosting a bake sale in the near future.
Family Time -
Share some of your favorite family recipes and make time to create it together.  
Coming of Age experienced different forms of meditation.  They tried walking meditations and more.
Family Ritual -  
Create a family meditation ritual.  Click here for some suggestions.
Youth Group   
created letters to send to state and federal representatives about their concerns for our current political climate.
Family Action - Consider checking out the local Women's Huddle Events as part of the Women's March.  Click here for details. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carol Zimmerman at or 315-386-2498.