Focus on Student Learning

Studio Photography

In this Middle School elective, we are learning through exploration how to take beautiful photos in a studio environment. We have learned how the camera works and how to control it to get the image we want. We have also experimented with lights seeing how they affect the look and feel of our photos. Every week, we watch a video on a camera technique, try the technique out by taking many photos, and then we share our photos with each other.

Parent Information Center

Enrollment Agreements 2017-2018 

We are already looking forward to another fantastic year at Peabody in 2017-18! Your child’s Enrollment Agreement for the 2017-18 school year is now available on your parent portal. Please complete and sign the agreement electronically by logging in to your  portal account. In addition, please submit your enrollment fee of $150 by check to the Front Office. 

Your Enrollment Agreement and Enrollment Fee are due no later than Friday, February 24, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in order to hold your child’s space for the 2017-18 academic year. The deadline for re-enrollment is firm.  There are substantial waiting lists in many classes, and places will be offered to waiting families after 4:00 p.m. on February 24th.

  • Peabody Summer Camp
    Peabody Summer Camp information is on the website!  Please check back often for updates...

Thank you to everyone who signed up to assist at the book fair

We need just a few more volunteers!
  • To help with Book Fair sales:
    March 1 from 9 am  to 1 pm 
    March 3 from 9 am to 1 pm 
    March 3 from 1 to 4 pm 
  • To help move the book fair to the gym and set it up for Game Night:
    March 3 from 4 to 6 pm 

Please click here to claim a coveted spot!

GAME NIGHT (03/03)
Calling all GameMasters!  Please join us for Game Night! We have some fun new additions to game night, including a food truck!  We are pleased to announce that  Farm Fresh Fixins  will be offering tasty dinner and snack options at Game Night this year.  They won the 2016 Virginia Food Truck Battle & Beer Competition and we are so pleased they’re coming to hang out with us at Game Night!  They’ll accept cash or cards. 
We are looking for at least 20 GameMasters and other volunteers as well.   Please click here to reserve your table or volunteer .  

Peabody is excited to be hosting Grandparents and Special Friends Day on Friday, March 31st from 9AM to 12PM for our Lower School students (K-5). In anticipation of a great turnout, we are looking for volunteers to assist in the successful execution of the day! The schedule for the day is being finalized, but if you know you have interest in helping, please send an email to Peabody’s Director of Development, Vaughan Clark at
Middle School Alumni Panel
We cordially invite all Middle School Students to attend the Peabody Alumni Panel on  March 3rd (and then stay for Game Night - Mr. Corlett and Ms. Young will be running game tables for the middle schoolers and alumni!)

The following Peabody alumni will answer "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about High School" from  5:30-6:30 in the Batten Building - come join them!

Yanni Raymond - Renaissance School (Peabody Class 2015)
Lucia Crosby - Charlottesville High School (Peabody Class 2015)
Ian Le - Albemarle High School/MESA program (Peabody Class 2015)
Jayce Rodriguez - Mary Baldwin University/Program for the Exceptionally Gifted (Peabody Class 2016)
Will Krehmeyer - Monticello High School/HMSA program (Peabody Class 2016)
Henry Chin - Monticello High School (Peabody Class 2015)
Davida Rimm-Kaufman - Charlottesville High School (Peabody Class 2015)
Ella Chin - Monticello High School (Peabody 2013, just accepted at both UVA and King's College in London)
Support Peabody School 

Thank you to everyone (donor roll) who has already made a gift!
We are aiming for 100% participation from our families.
For more information about the Annual Fund, please contact Vaughan Clark at

Peabody Parent Forum (PPF)


03/08 8:15 AM – PPF Meeting (Rescheduled from 03/01, please update your calendars.)
02/27-03/03 – Book Fair
03/03 6:30-8:00 PM– Game Night!
03/23 5PM-8 PM – Spirit Night at Zoe’s Kitchen
04/11 6:30 PM – PPF Meeting (evening meeting)
05/26 8:15  AM– PPF Meeting

Scenes from around Peabody...
1232 Stoney Ridge Rd.
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Phone: 434-296-6901
Fax: (434) 296-5751