December 2016
CollegeTracks MM/DD/YY
    Ms. Jenni Adams
1) Look at your schedule to see when you're available for a 1-hour check in.

2) Go to your coach's link (below).

3) Choose an appropriate time slot and fill out the necessary information. Note where your coach will be that day.

4) Book it! A confirmation will be sent to your email. Now, put that check in on your calendar and set your reminder.
Ms. Jenni:

Ms. Lindsey:

Ms. Nneka:

Ms. Rachel:
Ms. Rachel Lostumbo

What school did you attend and what was your major?  I studied French and Anthropology at Beloit College, a tiny school in Wisconsin. I went on to get my law degree from Georgetown University.
What is my favorite movie?  I really love The Wizard of Oz . It still gives me chills when Dorothy lands in Oz and the color comes on the screen. And I know every word of every song by heart.
Give one interesting fact about yourself.  I have lived my whole life in Montgomery County and I went to Springbrook High School. My kids go to BCC!
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Without question--Rehobeth. The boardwalk, Grotto's pizza, and the sound of the arcades make me very happy.
What do you like about being a Success Coach?  I am learning so much from the students I am working with. I love making connections and doing what I can to help each of them work towards their goals.

Success Coaches will have check in meetings with students on campuses this month on the following days/dates: 

Please schedule today if you haven't already done so!

Ms. Nneka, Ms. Rachel, and       Ms. Lindsey*
Montgomery College, Rockville 
Mondays & Thursdays

Ms. Jenni & Mr. Danny *
Meetings via Skype/FaceTime or at our Rugby Ave office.

*Subject to change based on scholar schedule. Check your email for confirmation.


Coaches are located in the
(on the 1st floor , near the entrance closest to the bus stops )

If crowded, coaches may move to the 2nd or 3rd floor in the same corner of the Science Building.


Taking Winter Classes?
The deadline to pay for your winter course is Dec. 21 or your registration will be dropped.

Transferring for 2017-2018?
For Fall 2017 transfers, some 4-year schools like UMD College Park have priority FAFSA deadlines as early as 
Jan. 1, 2017 ! Be sure to renew your 2017-2018 FAFSA before Jan. 1st and include any schools you're considering on the "School Selection" section. If you've already renewed for 2017-2018 but didn't include transfer schools, you can still login and make this correction. 

Contact your Coach with questions or to get help with completing the FAFSA.

Don't Get Dropped!
Be sure to pay your Spring MC bill or set up a payment plan by  Jan. 11th  to avoid having your Spring courses dropped.

(Above: Victor Amaya is seated among donors and former Executive Director of New Futures, Greg Cork, at a dinner in which Victor received the Katherine Krowzy Award for the second time. Photo courtesy of New Futures.) 

(Above: Amir Alwali is honored by Susquehanna University's President, L. Jay Lemons, as a recipient of the Rogers Physics Award. Photo courtesy of Success Scholar.)

CollegeTracks' Success Program would like to give a shout out to Victor Amaya who is studying Architectural Technology at Montgomery College. Victor is also a New Futures scholar and was recently honored at a dinner with his second Katherine Krowzy Award. 

We would also like to make another special shout out to Amir Alwali, who is a senior at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania double majoring in Biochemistry and Physics. Amir recently was a recipient of the Rogers Physics Award for excellence in his field of study.

Congratulations to both Victor Amaya and Amir Alwali for their academic achievements!




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You are almost to the top! 
You may have stopped to take a breath along the way. You may have gotten help from your friends or family, too. Your Success Coach most certainly has been there to cheer you on. Getting through the semester is definitely an uphill climb. But, this whole time it's always been YOU--your hard work. Hang in there!

In this last issue for the Fall Semester, we lay out for you a helpful "recipe" to prepare for finals, a spotlight to learn more about one of your Success Coaches, a highlight of what your fellow Success Scholars are up to, and many other helpful reminders  and deadlines for the rest of the semester.  

Remember, the best view comes after the hardest climb.

~CollegeTracks College Success Team

Finals are amongst us! You've been preparing all semester for this moment--the week to shine with the knowledge that you have learned. CollegeTracks has the best "recipe" to get you through finals. Don't worry, you don't have to be a great cook as long as you have the right ingredients and follow the directions below.

Total Time: Finals Week
Prep: Eat, Sleep, Study Regularly
Yield: Approx. 4-5 Final Exams/Papers

1 smidgen of Reviewing the Right Stuff
1 dash of Backwards Planning
1 dollop of Committing Enough Time
1 lb of Minimizing Distractions
1 tad of Building in Study Breaks 
1 drizzle of Practicing Self-Care
1 shake of Positive Mental Attitude 
1 pinch of Studying Socially

1) Review the Right Stuff. Unsure of where to begin? Consider what will be on the exam or what's required in the paper. Create an Outline. Rather than re-reading everything from the book, review the notes you took in class or from the book. Check with your professors or TAs to get a second opinion.

2) Plan Backwards: Using a to-do list, identify the different steps you can/should take to thoroughly prepare for your exam/paper. Then, mark on a calendar or planner when you intend to complete each of the steps you identified. (Take it one step further: cross off each time you've completed a task to hold yourself accountable.)

3) Commit Enough Time: You have heard that you should "dedicate 2-3 hours of studying per credit per class." Well, we couldn't agree more! For a big exam or paper, you will likely need to put in anywhere between 6-12 hours of preparation, i.e. studying, writing, practicing, to be adequately prepared for the final or paper. The further in advance you plan for this, the less stressed you will be.

4) Minimize Distractions: If your phone, Facebook, or the TV often steals your attention away from the task at hand, consider turning these devices off, putting them on "do not disturb," or even leaving them in another room to allow yourself to focus better. Multi-tasking while effectively studying is a myth, and if you are typically and easily distracted, you may think about tallying how many times you actually stop working to go do something else.

5) Build in Study Breaks: If you know you have about 4 hours of reviewing your notes or writing a paper, break it up: do 2 hours of work, take a 30-minute break (e.g. get food, take a catnap, take a walk) and then come back to do the remaining 2 hours of work. (PS: Study breaks are great times to check your phones, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) Studies show that active breaks produce more efficient workers.

6) Practice Self-Care : While finals may not be the time to increase how long you sleep or how much time you spend at the gym or with friends, it is crucial to preserve your work-life balance during such a high-stress time. So, get exercise if that's something you typically do. Meet up with friends or family for lunch. Eat well-balanced meals and drink plenty of water. Don't go overboard on the caffeine.

7) Have a Positive Mental Attitude: Half of the, how you talk to yourself during this time. A key secret for award-winning athletes and musicians is their ability to visualize themselves achieving victory. Their self-talk is characterized by pep talks, some as basic as, "You can do this. You have it in you. You've worked for this." So envision yourself ace-ing the presentation, killing it on the exam, turning in a beautiful paper. Remind yourself that you are capable. Be your own cheerleader. 

8) Study Socially. That's right, grab a study buddy or form a study group to get the most out of your study time. When you are forced to explain a concept to someone else, you tend to better understand the idea yourself, and also become better aware of where you may lack understanding. You can quiz one another and offer a more helpful perspective than perhaps your professor or TA. No idea of how to form a study group? No problem! Offer it to people you've made friends with in the class or only talked with once. A simple phrase like, "Hey, any interest in studying together for the final?" or "I'm forming a study group if you're interested" is a great way to get started.

9) Combine All Ingredients. Lastly, you can do any or all combinations of the ingredients listed above and it will only help you prepare for finals in an effective manner. And if you are still feeling stressed, remember that STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS. Grab a sweet snack and get back to work. You're almost done!

Ready. Set. FAFSA!

If you haven't already renewed your FAFSA for the 2017-18 school year we have two WINTER FAFSA WORKSHOPS coming up.

BCC High School
CT Office

Wheaton High School
CT Office

Montgomery College, Rockville Campus
Welcome Center

Some of your schools may have earlier deadlines for currently enrolled students so check with your financial aid office and work with your Success Coach to complete your FAFSA renewal.


(Above: Jonathan Di-Majo poses for a picture for the newsletter during his check in meeting with his Success Coach at Montgomery College, Germantown Campus .)

Meet Jonathan Di-Majo, a College Tracks' Success Program Scholar from Wheaton High School. Jonathan is heading into his last semester at Montgomery College! He will be getting his Associates degree in Networking this May.
Why did you choose to be in CollegeTracks' Success Program?
After high school I figured I would move back to Georgia, but my friend told me about CollegeTracks and convinced me to give it a try. It ended up being the best decision. I had no idea how to get into college and they helped me so much that I decided to stick with it through college, and it's a good thing I did!
Do you have any tips for success on final exams?
Don't stay up really late the night before the exam. And make sure to study enough so the material is fresh in your mind.
How did you decide on your major?
Since I was a little kid I've always like technology. With networking I get to fix problems that come up and with this degree I can do so many different things, like be a technician or go into telecommunications.
Do you have plans after you graduate?
I want to find a job in IT as soon as I can and begin to build my resume. I am thinking of applying for a job with Verizon because after this semester I will be certified to work with fiber, which is what they use.
What is your proudest moment?
Of all my friends I'm the only one in college so I am pretty proud of that. I also take my responsibilities seriously.
Tell us something about yourself that we otherwise would not know.
I really love the outdoors and the countryside. I like going off-road in my jeep, particularly when it is muddy, and playing sports outside. 

(Above: Jonathan Di-Majo worked for Comcast and applied what he learned in his major to fix and maintain telecommunication networks.)
  Don't miss out! Scholarships are a great way to help pay for your school, books, transportation, etc. And best of all, you don't have to pay them back!

NAME: Horatio Alger National Career & Technical Scholarship
DUE DATE: Rolling until all awards are given out
AMOUNT: $2,500
ELIGIBILITY: College Student, US Citizen, demonstrated financial need, community service, pursuing a technical degree/certificate

NAME: Stephan J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarship
DUE DATE: Dec. 5, 2016
AMOUNT: $5,000
ELIGIBILITY: College Student, Legal US Residents

NAME: Women's and Gender Studies Program Scholarship (**For MC students only)
DUE DATE: Dec. 7, 2016
AMOUNT: $500
ELIGIBILITY: Enrolled MC College Student, taking/took Women's and Gender Studies courses, women's/gender-related leadership on campus, demonstration of need, goals related to women's or gender causes, excellent academic performance

NAME: Boling Rice, LLC Scholarship
DUE DATE: Dec. 31, 2016
AMOUNT: $1,000
ELIGIBILITY: College Student, Complete Essay Contest

NAME: Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship
DUE DATE: Dec. 31, 2016
AMOUNT:  $1,000
ELIGIBILITY: College Student, Legal US Residents

NAME: UNIGO's Top Ten List Scholarship
DUE DATE: Dec. 31, 2016
AMOUNT: $1,500
ELIGIBILITY: College Student, Legal US Residents

NAME: Fund for Education Abroad (Study Abroad Scholarship)
DUE DATE: January 11, 2017
AMOUNT: Up to $10,000 for full-year; $5,000 (Fall/Spring); prorated by weeks, minimum $1,250 (Summer)
ELIGIBILITY: College Student, US Citizen, study abroad program eligible for credit, abroad program must be at least 4 weeks in country/countries.


CollegeTracks College Success Program Team: