"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
January 2017
Everyone home for Christmas at Katherine's home

Christmas is always a wonderful time of the year. It is always refreshing to start a new year as well. We are thankful to God for all that has taken place in 2016 and the growth we have seen in the ministry, but more importantly the growth we have seen in the children here in Kamonkoli. During December we had two youth give their lives to Christ and in January we had three children and two youth give their lives to Christ. This is always a reason to celebrate and praise the Lord!
The time together with our partners, Orphan's Heart, was wonderful as we had a one day women's conference with 346 women. The women were taught about discipleship and how to share the gospel, as well as about being accountable. Twelve ladies gave their lives to Christ. 

Then the Christmas party with the sponsored children and AWANA was a big day. The Christmas story was shared, a craft was done with every child and over 2,500 children were given a full hot lunch with beef, rice, cabbage and finally dessert of Christmas cake. Then all were given candy and a small gift. After all of this we were able to give out two big food bags to all the children who are sponsored as well as new clothes, new underwear, lotions, etc., and 3-4 second hand outfits as well. Their food also included giving 2 kilos of beef to every child for Christmas (which was done on the 23 rd of December). The food is particularly vital this year as many of these families that live off the land have no way to compensate for this season's crops that were lost to drought.

Kids enjoying the Christmas celebration 
 in rented tents
Christmas cake 
We are now working hard to get all the children into school as this is the beginning of the new school year in Uganda. It is not easy fitting new kids in and then there are those who are just starting high school, etc. We ask for your prayers but are thankful they are able to go because of your sponsorship.
Moses is having his surgery on his leg this week and we ask for your prayers. We are hopeful that he will be able to walk again soon, in about three months. We also need prayer for Uganda and east Africa for rain. It has been extremely dry for a long time and we are having a famine. We lost almost all of our crops because of the lack of rain this past year.
God bless and Love in Christ,


Hines Ugandan Ministries |  

Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
C lick here to donate online

 Donate Now  

text HUM to 41444
Lunch Time    
We are excited to have the contstruction of our Genesis dining hall nearly finished. We hope to complete it in March and are working to acquire furnishings and kitchen appliances and equipment for this mulitipurpose building that will not only provide a clean environment for our kids to eat, but also a large gathering place for services and special ministry events rather than renting tents. We have received a generous grant for the dining and meeting furnishings as well as some funds toward kitchen equipment.
  We still need to raise about $6,000 toward the commercial equipment needed to help us fill nearly 250 little tummies along with teachers and staff   every school day.
Dining/Meeting Hall on track to be finished in March 
We also continue to seek funds for our missionary house for Melanie, Elizabeth and Laura. Please keep these things as well as our ministry funds that help run the ministry and pay our national staff who are helping minister to their own friends and community in mind as you prayerfully consider your giving opportunities.

Year  End Giving Statements 

Statements went out this past week.  Those who gave  trhough coloradogives.org will receive acknowledgements that your gifts to them were passed on to us.  Please contact Cindy at homeoffice@hineskids.org or  303-847-9522

* Important Message to Our * Online Donors

In order to ensure quality security of your credit card information we use a secure third party processing company for all our online gifts.   In order to simplify our bookkeeping we have switched to a new company and will be discontinuing securegive and coloradogives for credit card gifts.  If you have set up a recurring gift on one of these providers we ask that you go into your account with them and discontinue your scheduled gift. Then set up a new recurring gift at our website: www.hineskids.org. Click "Donate" and then select the 'hineskids"option and fill in the form.   Or you may text "hum" to 41444 to receive the form on your smartphone.

You may write your child electronically at our website or you may send a letter to our Uganda address.  Small , inexpensive bubble envelope packages may be sent to our field address.  Please do not send packages to our U.S. office as we  are not generally able to get these items to the field.  Never send money to the field address.
