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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                         January, 2017 
In This Issue
Family Nursing in Spain
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Nursing education in Spain includes a 4-year bachelor degree, in which the care of families has been integrated in the nursing curriculum, as well as masters and doctoral education. In 2010, an option began of pursuing 2-year postgraduate education to become a specialist in one of the seven nationally-certified specialties, including specialist in family and community nursing. Family Systems Nursing began in Spain at the University of Navarra. In 2009, Dr. Lorraine Wright (Canada)  introduced the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Models to a committed Spanish audience of practitioners, managers, and educators who decided to implement family nursing in education, practice, and research.  Since then, many initiatives in family nursing have been implemented, including seminars for practitioners, training for undergraduate and postgraduate students, doctoral theses, and research projects. The 13th International Family Nursing Conference in June 2017 in Pamplona will be an opportunity to improve visibility of family nursing in Spain and advance the care of families globally.

There are currently 3 IFNA members from Spain.
Dr. Kyoko Kobayashi (Japan) is proposing a nurse-led survivorship care clinic and educational program for pediatric oncology nurses in Japan. Through a combination of research and clinical practice, she hopes to document the usefulness of nurse-led survivorship care and evaluate the efficacy of this approach to family nursing. [Read more]
For more IFNA Practice News [Read more].  
New Family Nursing Education Resource:
Sandy Alguire (Canada) and Monica Burfoot (Canada), with the guidance of Wilma Schroeder (Canada), have developed an undergraduate family nursing course at Red River College that uses a "flipped classroom" where students engage in learning that emphasizes the application of family nursing concepts. [Read more] 
For more IFNA Education News [Read more].  
Dr. Ann Garwick (USA) focuses her program of research  on promoting the health of children and adolescents with chronic health conditions and their family caregivers. She is currently involved in the International School Nurse Asthma and ADHD Project; a school nurse-directed obesity prevention for elementary students; and the Managing Epilepsy Well Project. [Read more]

Dr. Naohiro Hohashi (Japan) was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing in the fall of 2016. He has contributed to family nursing research, practice, and policy through his work in developing the Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory (CSFET) and Family Care/Caring Theory (FCCT). [Read more] 

For more IFNA Research News [

IFNC13 Update: The IFNA Conference Committee led by Dr. June Horowitz (USA) and Dr. Jane Lassetter (USA) are pleased to report that 256 abstracts have been accepted for podium/paper presentations and 114 abstracts have been accepted for poster presentations. Notifications were sent in late December 2016.

A special thank you to all who submitted abstracts and to those who served as abstract reviewers. The herculean, ongoing efforts of Dr. Helene Moriarty (USA) and Dr. Sonja Meiers (USA) (co-chairs of the IFNA Research Committee) are particularly appreciated, along with expert support from Debbie Zaparoni (IFNA Office), to complete the abstract evaluation process and begin organizing the sessions and final program.

Check the IFNA website for information about the conference and travel information that is being updated frequently as plans are confirmed.

The deadline for submission of IFNC13 " Late Breaking Abstracts" has been extended to February 28, 2017.

For more IFNA Conference News [Read more].
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