Thursday, February 9, 2017
8:00 am - 9:30 am

All are welcome! Bring a friend!

St. Mark's Lutheran Church  
Heritage Hall  
(1111 O'Farrell St. at Franklin, San Francisco)

Please do not park in the St. Mark's parking lot as those
spaces are rented to others. Parking is available
across the street at St. Mary's Cathedral.



Father Stephen Kyriacou, Dean


Nathan Kamps-Hughes,
Program Manager

Raised in the Unitarian Universalist Church, Nathan Kamps-Hughes is a social worker with a background in public health. He has 10 years of experience in the development and implementation of diverse strategies to address Bay Area homelessness. Nathan joined Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco in the summer of 2016 to launch the Housing Opportunities Program and is excited to explore partnership possibilities with SFIC constituents.

The Housing Opportunities Program

The Housing Opportunities Program is a pilot rapid re-housing program launched by Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco in the summer of 2016. This city-funded initiative offers 30 hard-working homeless adults a 12-month rental subsidy, support services, and direct assistance in locating affordable housing units throughout the Bay Area. Similar programs across the country have shown that temporary financial assistance combined with individually tailored social support can be an incredibly effective means of combatting homelessness and restoring self-sufficiency. We are currently working with an initial cohort of 30 single adults ranging in age from 20 to 65, and look forward to collaborating with the San Francisco Interfaith Council community to find affordable homes for our program participants. Please join us as a partner in making a difference in people's lives.


Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer