In Case You Missed It:
Mayor's State of the City Address

On Tuesday, Jan. 31, Mayor Jay Tibshraeny delivered his annual State of the City address.  This year's theme focused on the emergence of car technology in Chandler and the Mayor also discussed the City's fiscal position, new capital projects on the horizon, neighborhoods and public safety, as well as some new programs being rolled out. See the video below to watch the Mayor's State of the City Address in its entirety .

"Uptown Chandler" Branding Initiative Launched to Promote Key Employment Area

ally unveiled during the Mayor's State of the City Address, Uptown Chandler is a new branding initiative to promote business and lifestyle opportunities within an eclectic employment corridor. The Uptown Chandler brand concept was developed by the City and a group of area stakeholders.  

This vibrant area in the northern part of the City includes desirable neighborhoods, high-performing schools and a diverse mix of businesses that represents more than 10% of all jobs in Chandler. Through this branding initiative, the City hopes to bring attention to opportunities within the area by highlighting its unique assets and character, and championing continued economic vitality.

The unveiling of the Uptown Chandler brand is just an initial step in a long-term process, and additional information and brand elements will be rolled out in the months to come. Visit for more information.
Chandler Celebrates Science with Annual Science Spectacular Festival

The City of Chandler is celebrating science with two days of events dedicated to the exploration of
invention. The City's annual Science Spectacular showcases businesses, artists, students and  innovators in Chandler, as the community participates in the statewide Arizona SciTech Festival.

A Night of Art & Science - 6 p.m., Friday, Feb. 17, 2017
Technology meets the arts as  Downtown Chandler transforms its monthly Third Friday Art Walk into a creative look at the
science behind the food and drink, beauty, art and invention around us.

Science Saturday - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 18, 2017
Chandler  uses 'sneaky science' by entertaining the whole family while explaining how science is important
to daily life. Check out interactive demonstrations by Chandler's technology companies along  with the next generation of science from ASU, U of A, and TechShop at the Chandler Innovation  Center. This year's Science Saturday event is sponsored by Intel and Orbital ATK.

For more information, visit
Chandler Career Fair Connects Job-Seekers with Local Job Opportunities

On Thursday, Jan. 19, the City of Chandler, in partnership with Arizona@Work Maricopa County, hosted a free career fair in downtown Chandler. The event was a resounding success, assisting more than 240 attendees in finding employment and 28 local companies in finding new talent.

Quick Links
City Council
Study Session
February 6, 2017
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council
Regular Meeting
February 9, 2017
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

Science Saturday
February 18, 2017
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Downtown Chandler

City Council
Regular Meeting
February 23, 2017
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers