Committee weeks started in December and listed below is the up to date information on the bills we are working in Tallahassee.  During the legislative session we will be sending out information on what is happening in Tallahassee as well as alerts when we need your help.  If you ever have any questions or need to reach us, please email Angie Gallo at [email protected].  Also follow us on Twitter for up to date information @FLPTA_Leg.

The best way to stay informed on legislative progress and/or calls to action is to sign up for Voter Voice - you can click here to sign up.  Please share this link via e-mail and social media which will allow our members to communicate easily with their legislators. 


SB 192 Juvenile Justice; This bill will give children due process for non-violent crimes. It will stop sending non-violent children to adult court. Revises the circumstances under which a state attorney may file an information when a child of a certain age range commits or attempts to commit specified crimes. We are waiting on a companion bill in the house. Passed through the Senate Criminal Justice Committee and is sitting in Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice waiting on a hearing.  Support

SB196  Juvenile Civil Citation and Similar Diversion Programs; Requires the establishment of civil citation or similar diversion programs for juveniles.  This bill will make consistent for all counties the rules of issuing civil citations to minors.  It passed though the Criminal Justice Committee with some concerns that will be addressed before it hits the next committee.  There are similar bills in the House HB205 and HB213.  Neither have been heard in committee. Support

SB78/HB67 - Recess bill.  This will mandate 20 minutes of daily unstructured play for K -5 elementary students.  This bill will be heard in the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday, February 21st beginning at 9:00am. We expect this bill to pass through committee. Support

SB254/HB167  - Relating to Gun Safety- This Bill Prohibits the sale or transfer of an assault weapon or large capacity ammunition magazine; prohibits possession of an assault weapon or large-capacity magazine.  Support

SB144/HB69  - Texting while driving - this bill makes texting while driving a primary offense for teenagers 18 years of age and younger. It also requires that all penalties collected for a violation of the ban be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the Emergency Medical Services Trust Fund of the Department of Health.   Support

SB584/HB407 Alternative High School Graduation Requirements.  This bill Authorizes certain students to be eligible for an alternative pathway to a standard high school diploma; requires a school district to establish an Alternative Pathway to Graduation Review Committee for certain students; requires each district school board to ensure certain instruction, to waive certain assessment results, and to administer a hard copy of the grade 10 ELA assessment or the statewide, standardized Algebra I EOC assessment for certain students, etc.   Support

SB926/HB773 - Relating to K-12 Assessments. This bill requires that the Commissioner of Education review the SAT and ACT to determine alignment of state standards to these tests as a possible replacement for the FSA.  Moves the testing window to the last three weeks of school.  Mandates that all district tests be returned to the teacher in one week.  Will make state test results easier to understand for parents. Changes terminology on earning a level 3 on FSA from satisfactory/passing to proficient. This bill is being called the "fewer better tests" bill.

SB908/ HB803 - Relating to Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms.  This bill strikes through all areas where guns were previously prohibited, Including K-12 school campuses, K-12 athletic events, and college campuses.  Oppose

SB964  Relating to Education Accountability. This bill has bi-partisan support and will eliminate 5 state exams: 9th grade ELA FSA, Algebra 2, Civics, Geometry, and US History EOC's.  The 10th grade FSA would be replaced by a national test, presumably the SAT or ACT.  This bill will allow for paper and pencil testing and would eliminate tying a teacher's evaluation to a student's test score.  Also alters the school grading provisions and pushes most of the testing schedule to the end of the school year.   Support

Budget  - Governor Scott released his budget last week which calls for a 4% increase in education.  If passed it will raise per pupil funding from $7204.58 to 7,420.99. A portion of the increase includes $58 million to hire and retain more teachers.  Speaker Corcoran, in an interview, stated that he believed education funding would increase this year.