Cyber-Fraud Resources
We are committed to providing useful tools to help identify, prevent, and mitigate cyber-fraud. We have included two additional cyber-fraud myths for you to review.

For more information, please visit    
Myth 2
Firewalls, Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software are all the protection I need.

Myth Buster
NO! Firewalls, Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software are absolutely necessary, but it's human error that will allow most cyber-fraud to occur.

What to do?
Create a culture of fraud awareness. Develop and clearly document processes and procedures. Train and retrain your staff to follow these processes and procedures.

Myth 2
Once an email is encrypted it is encrypted forever.
Myth Buster
NO! Sending an email through encrypted email does NOT mean that forwards of that email will also be encrypted.

What to do?
Send wiring instructions directly to the intended recipient. Do not use third parties to relay wiring instructions.
